Computer Basic

What is Computer Graphic Design?

What is Computer Graphic Design? Computer graphic design produces visual ideas and a creative template for advertising and publicity. This has become a phenomenon in the way your ads affects your marketing. In publishing information and creating more attractive images about the product which boosts a product market, the graphic designer plays a significant role. […]

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Introduction to Microservices

Introduction to Microservices A software development technique to arrange all the loosely connected devices of an application into a single service is called micro services. The software is arranged in an architectural style based on service orientation. All the services are managed well and the protocol weighs light. The application is broken up into smaller parts

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Introduction to Types of Computer Hardware

Introduction to Types of Computer Hardware For the working of the Types of Computer Hardware, it needs both hardware and software components. For every computer system, there can be several hardware components attached to the system as per the requirements. The computer hardware contains mechanical elements and electronic elements of the computer. The hardware of the

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Introduction to Mainframe Computers

Introduction to Mainframe Computers The mainframes computers are the type of computers that have high-performance can be used for intensive processing of operations that cannot be done by normal computers. The mainframe computers are mainly used in the banking sector, corporate sector, and government agencies as there is always a requirement of the secured system

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