NCERT solutions class 4 EVS chapter 23 – Pocham Palli is an interesting topic which briefs out about the arts, crafts, different materials used in the manufacturing of Pocham Palli dress materials. Weaving and different equipments used. Students can download the NCERT Solutions from the links given below.
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Page No: 186
1. Vani and Prasad learnt this beautiful craft from their family members. When they grow up, do you think they will be able to teach their children the skills of this craft?
Yes, they will be able to teach their children the beautiful craft learnt from their family members to their children.
Write in your notebook
1. Have you ever seen anybody weave something on a loom? What were they weaving and where?
Yes, I have seen weavers in a textile industry. They were weaving sarees at kancheepuram.
2. The threads of a saree are dyed. Do you know of any other thing that is dyed?
Woolen thread is also dyed.
3. If you visit Vani’s village it seems as if the entire village is weaving sarees. Do you know of any other work which many people living in one place do?
Yes, the pottery work is another one.
4. Do they make some article?
They make earthen pots and cookware.
5. Find out the process of making the article? What are the different steps?
Firstly, a dough of fine earth is prepared. The dough is then put on a wooden wheel, which is called Potter’s wheel. Using the Potter’s wheel the desired shapes are given to the earthen dough. By this way different pots and toys are made and finally dried under the sun and then baked in kiln. Lastly, they are coloured as per requirement.
6. Do men and women do different kinds of work to make this article?
No, both of them do the same work to make the article.
7. Do children also contribute in making this article?
Yes, children also contribute in making the articles.
Find out and write
1. Talk to an ironsmith, a carpenter and a potter about the nature of their work.
Ironsmith – makes things made of iron
Carpenter – makes wooden articles
Potter – makes earthen pots and toys
2. Where did they learn to do their work?
Usually they learn it from parents and family members.
3. What else did they need to learn to be able to do this work?
They need to be creative, artistic and have great imagination to be able to do this work.
4. Have they taught this work to anybody in their family, or to anyone else?
Yes, they teach this work to their family members and to anyone who is interested in learning it.
5. The table below has a list of different kinds of work that people do. Do you know people who do such work? Write their names in the first column. In the next column write from whom have they learnt their work?
Kind of work | Name of people you know how do this work | Where did they learn this work from? |
Cloth weaving | Prasad and Vani’s parents | From their elders |
Cooking | ||
Cycle repair | ||
Flying aeroplanes | ||
Sewing and embroidery | ||
Singing | ||
Making shoes | ||
Flying kites | ||
Farming | ||
Cutting hair |
Kind of work | Name of people you know how do this work | Where did they learn this work from? |
Cloth weaving | Prasad and Vani’s parents | From their elders |
Cooking | Martin Paul | In a Hotel Management Institute |
Cycle repair | Raju and Das | From their elders |
Flying aeroplanes | Sai Preetham | In a flying school |
Sewing and embroidery | Sushmitha | From his mother |
Singing | Yuvan Shankar Raja | From his father |
Making shoes | Naveen and Adil | Institute in Fashion Technology |
Flying kites | Brithul | From his elder cousin |
Farming | Ganesh and Ramesh | From their elders |
Cutting hair | Rudra and Balaji | From his father |