Introduction to Computer Architecture Interview Questions and Answers

Computer Architecture

Introduction to Computer Architecture Interview Questions and Answers

Computer architecture is one of the key implementations which prepared with multiple sets of rules and methods that explain in details about the functionality, implementation, and organization of any computer systems. Computer Architecture is one of the key subjects have to be read and understand in computer engineering. Every architecture has its own definition, which actually helps for a computer to define about computer’s capabilities and related programming model in detail but never define any specific or particular implementation. It is also involved in define proper design onset of instruction of particular architecture, designing pure architecture on the micro-level, designing a logical presentation, and helping on the proper implementation of an entire system.

Now, if you are looking for a job that is related to Computer Architecture then you need to prepare for the 2020 Computer Architecture Interview Questions. It is true that every interview is different as per the different job profiles. Here, we have prepared the important Computer Architecture Interview Questions and Answers which will help you get success in your interview.

In this 2020 Computer Architecture Interview Questions article, we shall present 10 most important and frequently asked interview questions. These questions are divided into two parts are as follows:

Part 1 – Computer Architecture Interview Questions (Basic)

This first part covers basic Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. Give entire details related to basic components used by a Microprocessor?

We can assume three kinds of basic components which normally used by a Microprocessor, examples are below:

  • Referring proper address of a single block is very important for Microprocessor, so address lines are one of the key components of a Microprocessor.
  • Transferring data is one of the main criteria, here data lines are the component that maintaining the same for a microprocessor.
  • Now addressing and data transfer has been done, so the target is processing data. IC Chips are the key component for the same in a microprocessor.

Q2. Explain details about MESI?

MESI is one of the most popular protocols, which basically helping of support one of the key requirement of a processor that is written back cache. As MESI protocol has been developed and designed in the University of Illinois, it is also called as Illinois protocol. Initially write through cache was using, which actually loss of huge bandwidth. Write back cache is mainly popular due to managing the bandwidth properly in the physical system. This protocol maintaining one approach to that is called dirty state, it actually indicating to the system that data in this cache are different from the storing data in the cache of main memory.

Q3. Explain about the different type of hazards available in the market, is it possible to avoid them? If yes explain how?

This is one of the critical situations of a physical system, which called hazards. This kind of situation mainly preventing to provide proper instruction to the next executor stream for execution desired script which actually designed by the architecture suppose in the proper clock cycle. It obviously reduces the desired performance of the physical system. Popular Course in this categoryAll in One Software Development Bundle (600+ Courses, 50+ projects)600+ Online Courses | 3000+ Hours | Verifiable Certificates | Lifetime Access
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Commonly three kinds of hazards defined in the computer system:

  • Structural: Hazards which are normally generated due to the defined structure of the system, suppose some instruction is not able to run due to hardware inability.
  • Data: This kind of hazards can generate at the time of executing dependent instruction.
  • Control: this kind of hazards mainly generate at the time of changing pipelining which directly impact on system configuration.

Structural hazard can be avoided by improving hardware configuration or replacing as this kind of confusion situation almost known issue.

Q4. Describe in details about pipelining?

This is the basic Computer Architecture Interview Question asked in an interview. This is one of the popular technique used by the advanced microprocessor. This technique is mainly using when multiple instructions came into the system, but a microprocessor will not execute all the instruction based on the sequence. The execution process of an entire sequence can be defined by the instruction creator. Someone will provide processing sequence of every instruction into the physical system, this is called pipelining.

Q5. Suppose defining size of the cache is 64 KB, and it has multiple blocks assume total block size is 32B and following two way set associative by this cache, now considering 32-bit machine or physical address, provide details of division between index, tag and Block offset?

Cache size is 64 KB, and block size is 32B, the number of blocks will be 2000 (64 KB/ 32). Now as we consider two way set associative, then the number of lines will be 1000 (2000/2), that’s mean every index should have 10 bits. As it is a 32B block, so block offset will be 5 bits. And tag will be also 17, a calculation is (32-10-5).

Part 2 – Computer Architecture Interview Questions (Advanced)

Let us now have a look at the advanced Interview Questions.

Q6. Explain more details in Snooping Cache?

Snooping is one of the define processes in the computer system where memory management of cache has been introduced. This is one of the processes where cache which is individually generated have one specific define monitoring address line which has one specific access to their memory location directly that location they already have in the cache memory. It has one helping functionality of cache memory optimization in the computer system. Suppose one write operation has been observed that cache location already performed the require cache copy in that specific location, then cache controller automatically invalidated their own controlling copy on that specific location, which called snooped memory location in the computer system. That actually helps for optimization of cache memory allocator

Q7. Explain about cache coherency in details?

Cache coherence is also one of the popular characters of cache management in the computer system. It mainly ensures data integrity for storing data in local cache which actually belong to shares resource.

Let us move to the next Computer Architecture Interview Questions

Q8. Explain in detail about virtual memory?

Virtual memory is a memory which is additionally added with the computer system which extending computer original memory and adds some additional space.

Q9. Explain about 5 stages in details for a DLX pipeline?

This is the most asked Computer Architecture Interview Questions in an interview. DLX pipeline are as follow

  • CPU Operand Storage
  • Explicit operands
  • Location
  • Operation
  • Type and size of operands

Q10. Explain in detail about a cache?

Caching is one of the key functions of any computer system architecture process. It always is available in every computer somehow in varieties kind of form. There are several caches available in the computer system, some popular caches are memory, software and hardware disk, pages caches etc. Even virtual memory is also been considering as a cache memory as per architectural design of a computer system. Memory cache is mainly concentrated on high speed static random access memory and it is very much necessary as maximum program or instruction try to use the same data repeatedly. Similarly, web pages cache mainly helps internet browser for improving speed on accessing the same level of data on that web page.

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This has been a guide to list Of Computer Architecture Interview Questions and Answers so that the candidate can crackdown these Interview Questions easily. Here in this post, we have studied top Computer Architecture Interview Questions which are often asked in interviews. You may also look at the following articles to learn more –

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