Definition of Unguided Media Types

Unguided Media Types

Definition of Unguided Media Types

An unguided media type transmission is used to transmit electromagnetic waves without using any of the physical transmission media. Thus it is also called wireless transmission. Unguided media type includes air as the media where electromagnetic energy can be flown easily without any intrusion or hindrance. Radio waves are the electromagnetic waves which are transmitted in all the directions of free spaces in an omnidirectional way i.e. signals get transmitted in all the direction and is used widely in propagating the signals mainly for telecommunication. Telecom domain has significant usage of Unguided Media Types.

Types of Unguided Media

  • There are two types of media type that is used for transmission and propagation of electromagnetic waves and does not get affected by the curvature of the earth due to transmitter and receiver to maintain a proper line of sight.
  • The unguided media makes use of an antenna first for transmitting and receiving the electromagnetic wave. Another question that comes into mind is when we have wired or guided media then why do we need unguided media?
  • So the answer lies in the fact that it was not possible to fabbriccate and installs any fiber, wire and cable on the hilly areas by carving and paving ways so it was not at all recommended for this exception and uses Unguided Media types.
  • The unguided media types have the propagation of electromagnetic waves from the source to destination it can be either with the help of Ground propagation where the propagation is close to the atmosphere i.e. between the ionosphere and earth surface.
  • The distance traveled by electromagnetic waves depends on the power of propagation.
  • Another way of propagation by unguided media types is by Sky Propagation where the electromagnetic wave has a higher frequency which gets radiated up in the atmosphere with respect to the line of sight also in the picture.
  • It is a very clear fact that unlike guided media Unguided Media type makes use of air as a transmission media instead of wire or cable thus coined as wireless transmission media.
  • No use of any physical medium for transmission.

There are three types of Unguided Transmission media which are as follows:

  • Microwave Transmission
  • Radio Transmission
  • Infrared Transmission

1. Microwave Transmission

  • Microwave transmission comprises of an electromagnetic wave having a range of frequencies approximately (1-300GHz).
  • Propagation of electromagnetic waves with respect to sight is one-directional which does not allow any intrusion.
  • Once the transmission medium faces each other then the communication between two endpoints and line of sight becomes streamline to establish any connection.
  • Above the two points are referred to as source point from where the wave gets generated and then the antennae receive the final transmission in the destination end which is called as receiving end.
  • Two categories of microwave Transmission are as follows :

Terrestrial Type Microwave Transmission

Satellite Type Microwave Transmission

  • Terrestrial Type Microwave Transmission: Terrestrial Type Microwave Transmission both antennas are fixed for the signal transmission on both transmitting and receiving sides with the propagation of the microwave which is mostly used for telecommunication over the air.
  • Satellite Type Microwave Transmission: Satellite Type Microwave Transmission possesses the electronic wave that gets transmitted by source and is electromagnetic in nature which possesses some source containing the transmitting antennae for amplifying the source wave i.e. a signal and rebroadcasts to the receiver antennae. GPS (Global Positioning System) is one of the best suitable applications for Satellite Type Microwave Transmission.

2. Infrared Type Transmission

  • Infrared type wave is the highest frequency wave which is used for a range from 300GHz to 400 THz.
  • The infrared transmission is mostly used for communication between the source and destination with some of the stipulated range.
  • Infrared transmission is the high frequency that cannot be used for penetrating the wall easily but differentiation still exists.
  • There are no ways or chance of any kind of interference which comes at the time of accessing the television or any other wave-oriented system.
  • Waves getting emitted get received by the television and then the action is performed on the basis of making the wave behave more like a light ray.
  • As the frequency of the electromagnetic waves gets visible and more it behaves more like light.
  • The most commonly used example of infrared transmission that we come across is to make use of operating AC, or any other electronic gadget.
  • The remote system makes use of electromagnetic waves that get raised and then move from the radio wave towards the light.
  • Infrared-type waves are considered a far more secured form of unguided transmission medium.
  • Infrared type waves are strong because it does not have any chance of sniffing or spoofing or say any unwanted activities and very less chance of vulnerable attacks.
  • Thus it is not required to make any license for all the above-mentioned unwanted activities at the time of using these infrared type waves for transmission.

3. Radio Transmission

  • Radio waves are very low-frequency electromagnetic waves that range from ‘3KHz to 1GHz’.
  • Once the radio waves are considered very low-frequency waves then they have the ability to get penetrated within the walls by receiving signals even if someone is inside the building.
  • This feature of radio waves prevents you from isolating communication inside and outside the building.
  • The radio waves get propagated towards the Sky mode and are omnidirectional which means the source transmitter while transmitting the radio wave in the sky and they get reflected from the sky which gets the signals received by the receiving antenna.
  • There is a major problem associated with Radio Transmission that is being omnidirectional in nature the radio waves face issues like interference if another transmitting antenna is sending a signal with the same frequency or bandwidth.


Unguided Transmission medium is a recommended and most used form of transmission medium because of its major use when a radio or any other form of transmission is required. Also, Unguided media type, unlike guided media type, is useful and in want because of its ease of implementation in a remote location without much intrusion.

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This is a guide to Unguided Media Types. Here we also discuss the definition and different types of unguided media along with a detailed explanation. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

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