What is HTML?
HTML means Hypertext markup language. HTML language is designed for the creation of websites. Anyone who is connected to the internet can then view these websites. It is relatively easy to learn, with the fundamentals available in one sitting to most people and quite powerful in what you can create. HyperText is the way you go online — by clicking on a text called hyperlinks that will take you to the next page. Markup is the text within which HTML tags do. You describe it as some type of text. It is a language since it’s like all other languages, code words, and syntax.
It allows images and objects to be embedded in the web page and create interactive forms. It is not an executable language to run on its own; it needs an interpreter to display HTML. Different Versions are HTML 1.0, HTML 2.0, HTML 3.2, HTML4 and the next and latest versions are HTML5. HTML5 an extension of HTML which is based on XML format to solve compatibility issues in the browser and supports media and JavaScript. Having HTML templates gives your web design projects an effective design. It tags are mark-up elements that are not the case -sensitive, and they are common in pairs like <b></b> (stands for bold). A well-formed HTML should be provided to display its page without error. To do so, all the elements must be contained within the tags. Its attributes should be chosen between single and double-quotes. Reading HTML is written by WebMaster.
How does it make working so easy?
Implementation is completely text-based, and it is opened in an editor to type the code. It can create weblinks called hyperlinks that connect to the next page, which is essential in SEO. It documents are pre-defined. It embeds with scripting languages like JavaScript to enhance the content of web page. Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo can find your own created website based on relevant search(ranking). It is used in internet navigation and document of a web. Working with it is so simple as it involves just a few steps to create its own web page. All you need is:
- Html codes
- link to next web page
- picture, graphics
- link to an email
- finally, a list of information to display.
The various subsets of HTML
The are various subsets which are XHTML, XML, DHTML.
- XHTML is an extensible HTML language which is extension of html and it is written in xml .XHTML uses the same tags as HTML except for some rules with HTML documents that are rooted and written in lowercase by default. HTML is familiar for mobile web design (accessing browser through mobile phones need an XHTML supporter).
<tml xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml” xml:lang=”en” lang=”en”>
- Next comes SGML (Standard Generalized Mark Up Language) standardised by ISO , is a Language for defining markup Language for HTML.
- Extensible Markup Language XML focuses on what data it is to describe them. They define a set of rules and create their own customized tags. XML is a meta-language and defined in XML1.0 specification by w3c.
- Dynamic HTML(DHTML) or HTML4 used to create interactive animated websites and gives more control to the HTML elements. HTML makes their page to change over time(dynamic) without seeking the help of a server. Features include updating of the site, drop-down menus rolling upwards and downwards buttons.
- Time Text Mark-up Language (TTML2) is textual information associated with timing information.
What can you do with it?
- We can create awesome design email for a customer for their Online Marketing.
- Using HTML, forms can be built. To add forms to a page, <form>element are used.
<form action=”/log” method=”post”> . - Allows users to select data using drop-down lists.
- Creating corporate Newsletter by customizing the template.
- Creating personal blogs to show off what you are working on.
- Creating email using the href attribute.
- Client-side storage using cookies which is feasible in HTML5.
- Helps in the development of a game with a feature of APIs and plug-ins.
- Opens link in the same window may also be opened in a new window. To do so need of target attribute determines where exactly a window is displayed.
- The latest version of HTML5 brings advanced streaming video, audio and provides offline options to view the content.
Working is so simple as it consists of a series of text code which is saved under the file name .html and can be viewed on any operating system that connects through any browser. The parts of documents are a tag and must have a body and head. Its pages are documented with the head, title, paragraph tags by default. The structure of the code is as follow:
Body structure contains the text that is to be displayed. The head section includes a page title. Save the file has filename.html. When you execute it, you can view it directly in a browser. The table tag display data in tabular form. The design of a page includes some lists which give added values. Those lists include ordered list<ol>, definition list<dl> <dt>.
To enhance the basic structure of the HTML into styled content information Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is used. Those styles include fonts, color, background images. CSS used to control layout and presentation in code. Including style sheet to a document Saved in the file name as filename.css.
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”myss.css” type=”text/css” />
With CSS:
<!DOCTYPE html>
body {background-color: blue;}
h1 {color: yellow;}
<p > {color: green;}
<h1>This is a coat</h1>
<p>This iscourse.</p>
Its elements have in-line and block-level elements. Inline elements cover local effects like bold, italic. Block-level elements include lists, paragraphs. The other feature like an image map that links many different web pages with a single image.
<img src”gat.gif” width=”123” height=”30 “border=”0”>
- Tables:
<tr> denotes table row, <th> denotes table heading, <td> table data.
- Hyperlinks: Which links to another web page.
<A HREF= “http://www.educba.com/”>onlineWeb Site</A>
Output: Online Website.
- Adding footer and header
<div style=” background: #333; color :#ggg; padding : 2px; margin : 5px 0 0;”</div>
- Creation of forms:
Important forms elements include <input>, <select>.
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- It is widely used and easy to learn. The tags used here are basic and in the readable format enclosed in the angle bracket.
- It is free, not necessary to buy individual software, and its syntax is very similar to XML.
- It can be integrated with CSS, PHP, JavaScript and support multiple languages.
- They are easy to design with HTML editors called “WYSIWYG”.
- They are easy to download as the text (Plain text) is compressible. The code is easy.
- It has good ease of handling and efficiency. All browsers can read HTML files and pages.
- HTML is static whereas HTML5 is dynamic. It is platform-independent displays in all browsers.
- Using Canvas by HTML allows web developers to use graphics.
- They have a feature called application cache, which stores large files.
Required Skills
It doesn’t require any pre-requisite to learning as they are easy to learn. It can be learned within a week, and background knowledge in computers is required to understand the elements of the document. You will need a text editor such as a note pad to type a code. Even Picking up to learn CSS is mandatory, which is used to specify pages styles. Learning CSS makes the overall skillset to a higher level in creating websites. These two languages are essential for being a good web developer.
Why should we use it?
Though other web programming technologies are widely used globally like content management system, it remains predominant in creating web pages. Other programming tools like Dreamweaver developments make use of HTML as their code is clean and validate. It can be embed programs written in Javascript. When we request for a web page through a web browser, we need a web address or URL to link to it. Example of web address include
Designing an important part of the IT sector, websites play a major role in today’s life. The Standard versions of HTML used to create a web page. But now, the scope of web development is beyond the level. With the older versions of it, we need to have flash content on the browser, which we see now on normal days. When you click on a website, the other visual parts include advertisements, video links, etc., which includes APIs and plug-ins; this feature is enabled in hTML5. It is increasingly popular with the following benefits associated with it:
- It has Built-in Audio-video playback, which seeks on a third-party developer like Adobe Flash Player.
- Optimized for higher ranking in search engine.
- Benefits of offline caching, with no internet connection, sometimes a page is still alive to see the content.
- Interconnect all kinds of devices.
Why do we need it?
HTML 5 is the current version of HTML gives the latest enhancements for client-side forms. Nowadays all the browser(Chrome ,Firefox, Opera,Internet Explorer) supports HTML5 as updated versions. Learning it gives us how to create forms, tags, doctypes, Queries. Many enterprises like Facebook, Linkedin, financial times see great importance in using HTML5 as it allows cross-platform deployment. They provide cookies for storing data in the browser for future views. Also, it is essential in email for an attachment of images as well as videos.
Who is the right audience for learning this technology?
Anyone can learn it as it doesn’t require any programming skills. The right audience includes total beginners, web developer, a person wishing to edit their website. Programmers having bachelor’s degree in computers, web designer to learn advanced concepts of it, graphical designer. Learning it helps us to learn other web programming CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ASP.Net etc.
How will this technology help you in career growth?
Demand for web programmers is extremely high as they are related to front -end web development on their own. If programmers write code for websites creation and applications, they are hired by companies to grow in product and properties. Skilled programmer and programmers still have a job opportunity. By picking up fundamentals on HTML and CSS, we can have opportunities on a freelance, part-time/full-time jobs providing valuable pay on the work experience and on the job training. Once you get Learn this, job seekers can get social media manager job, junior web developer, Quality Assurance engineer in development process-mail marketing services needs custom email templates, build a personal website for a client which is win-win for all, the client gets benefited, and we can experience on work and a paycheck. Other job roles include MVC developer, ASP.NET developer, who requires knowledge as it gives flexibility across different platforms.
Therefore, It is just style information and structure and not a programming language, and they act as a front end of every web application. With knowledge, we can create an interactive media web application. The Web components (creates own API) are an emerging technology that allows creating web apps. To start building websites learning HTML elements are best to visually display on the web page. A career is booming high these days as e-commerce is evolving at a faster rate which includes online shopping, whether it is of mobile or desktop application browsers are enabled with mark – up languages. When implementing HTML5 in mobile application, performance and memory should be a key consideration. To make a page content dynamic, HTML uses server-side Includes (SSI).
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