NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 – Triangles

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 – Triangles

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 โ€“ Free PDF Download

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 Triangles provides the answers and questions related to the chapter. Triangle, the word itself describes its meaning. โ€œTriโ€ means โ€œthreeโ€ so a closed figure formed by three intersecting lines is known as a Triangle. Students must have already studied the angle sum property of a triangle in Chapter 6 of NCERT Class 9 Maths. Now, inconsequential to it, Chapter 7 of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths will further brief students about the congruence of triangles and rules of congruence. Also, they will learn a few more properties of triangles and inequalities in a triangle.

Here we have provided the complete Class 9 Maths NCERT Solutions Chapter 7 Triangles in PDF format solved by experienced teachers. Students can download the free PDF of these NCERT Solutions for Class 9 by clicking on the link below to keep it handy for future reference.Chapter 7 โ€“ Triangles

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List of Exercises in NCERT Class 9 Maths Chapter 7

Exercise 7.1 Solution 8 Questions (6 Short Answer Questions, 2 Long Answer Question)
Exercise 7.2 Solution 8 Questions (6 Short Answer Questions, 2 Long Answer Question)
Exercise 7.3 Solution 5 Questions (3 Short Answer Questions, 2 Long Answer Question)
Exercise 7.4 Solution 6 Questions (5 Short Answer Questions, 1 Long Answer Question)
Exercise 7.5 (Optional) Solution 4 Questions

Access Answers of Maths NCERT Class 9 Chapter 7 โ€“ Triangles

Exercise: 7.1 (Page No: 118)

1. In quadrilateral ACBD, AC = AD and AB bisect A (see Fig. 7.16). Show that ฮ”ABC ฮ”ABD. What can you say about BC and BD?

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-1


It is given that AC and AD are equal i.e. AC = AD and the line segment AB bisects A.

We will have to now prove that the two triangles ABC and ABD are similar i.e. ฮ”ABC ฮ”ABD


Consider the triangles ฮ”ABC and ฮ”ABD,

(i) AC = AD (It is given in the question)

(ii) AB = AB (Common)

(iii) CAB = DAB (Since AB is the bisector of angle A)

So, by SAS congruency criterion, ฮ”ABC ฮ”ABD.

For the 2nd part of the question, BC and BD are of equal lengths by the rule of C.P.C.T.

2. ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AD = BC and DAB = CBA (see Fig. 7.17). Prove that

(i) ฮ”ABD ฮ”BAC

(ii) BD = AC

(iii) ABD = BAC.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-2


The given parameters from the questions are DAB = CBA and AD = BC.

(i) ฮ”ABD and ฮ”BAC are similar by SAS congruency as

AB = BA (It is the common arm)

DAB = CBA and AD = BC (These are given in the question)

So, triangles ABD and BAC are similar i.e. ฮ”ABD ฮ”BAC. (Hence proved).

(ii) It is now known that ฮ”ABD ฮ”BAC so,

BD = AC (by the rule of CPCT).

(iii) Since ฮ”ABD ฮ”BAC so,

Angles ABD = BAC (by the rule of CPCT).

3. AD and BC are equal perpendiculars to a line segment AB (see Fig. 7.18). Show that CD bisects AB.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-3


It is given that AD and BC are two equal perpendiculars to AB.

We will have to prove that CD is the bisector of AB


Triangles ฮ”AOD and ฮ”BOC are similar by AAS congruency since:

(i) A = B (They are perpendiculars)

(ii) AD = BC (As given in the question)

(iii) AOD = BOC (They are vertically opposite angles)

โˆด ฮ”AOD ฮ”BOC.

So, AO = OB (by the rule of CPCT).

Thus, CD bisects AB (Hence proved).

4. and m are two parallel lines intersected by another pair of parallel lines p and q (see Fig. 7.19). Show that ฮ”ABC ฮ”CDA.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-4


It is given that p q and l m

To prove:

Triangles ABC and CDA are similar i.e. ฮ”ABC ฮ”CDA


Consider the ฮ”ABC and ฮ”CDA,

(i) BCA = DAC and BAC = DCA Since they are alternate interior angles

(ii) AC = CA as it is the common arm

So, by ASA congruency criterion, ฮ”ABC ฮ”CDA.

5. Line l is the bisector of an angle A and B is any point on l. BP and BQ are perpendiculars from B to the arms of A (see Fig. 7.20). Show that:

(i) ฮ”APB ฮ”AQB

(ii) BP = BQ or B is equidistant from the arms of A.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-5


It is given that the line โ€œlโ€ is the bisector of angle A and the line segments BP and BQ are perpendiculars drawn from l.

(i) ฮ”APB and ฮ”AQB are similar by AAS congruency because:

P = Q (They are the two right angles)

AB = AB (It is the common arm)

BAP = BAQ (As line is the bisector of angle A)

So, ฮ”APB ฮ”AQB.

(ii) By the rule of CPCT, BP = BQ. So, it can be said the point B is equidistant from the arms of A.

6. In Fig. 7.21, AC = AE, AB = AD and BAD = EAC. Show that BC = DE.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-6


It is given in the question that AB = AD, AC = AE, and โˆ BAD = โˆ EAC

To prove:

The line segment BC and DE are similar i.e. BC = DE


We know that BAD = EAC

Now, by adding DAC on both sides we get,


This implies, BAC = EAD

Now, ฮ”ABC and ฮ”ADE are similar by SAS congruency since:

(i) AC = AE (As given in the question)

(ii) BAC = EAD

(iii) AB = AD (It is also given in the question)

โˆด Triangles ABC and ADE are similar i.e. ฮ”ABC ฮ”ADE.

So, by the rule of CPCT, it can be said that BC = DE.

7. AB is a line segment and P is its mid-point. D and E are points on the same side of AB such that BAD = ABE and EPA = DPB (see Fig. 7.22). Show that

(i) ฮ”DAP ฮ”EBP

(ii) AD = BE

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-7


In the question, it is given that P is the mid-point of line segment AB. Also, BAD = ABE and EPA = DPB

(i) It is given that EPA = DPB

Now, add DPE on both sides,


This implies that angles DPA and EPB are equal i.e. DPA = EPB

Now, consider the triangles DAP and EBP.


AP = BP (Since P is the mid-point of the line segment AB)

BAD = ABE (As given in the question)

So, by ASA congruency, ฮ”DAP ฮ”EBP.

(ii) By the rule of CPCT, AD = BE.

8. In right triangle ABC, right angled at C, M is the mid-point of hypotenuse AB. C is joined to M and produced to a point D such that DM = CM. Point D is joined to point B (see Fig. 7.23). Show that:

(i) ฮ”AMC ฮ”BMD

(ii) DBC is a right angle.

(iii) ฮ”DBC ฮ”ACB

(iv) CM = ยฝ AB

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-8


It is given that M is the mid-point of the line segment AB, C = 90ยฐ, and DM = CM

(i) Consider the triangles ฮ”AMC and ฮ”BMD:

AM = BM (Since M is the mid-point)

CM = DM (Given in the question)

CMA = DMB (They are vertically opposite angles)

So, by SAS congruency criterion, ฮ”AMC ฮ”BMD.

(ii) ACM = BDM (by CPCT)

โˆด AC BD as alternate interior angles are equal.

Now, ACB +DBC = 180ยฐ (Since they are co-interiors angles)

โ‡’ 90ยฐ +B = 180ยฐ

โˆด DBC = 90ยฐ

(iii) In ฮ”DBC and ฮ”ACB,

BC = CB (Common side)

ACB = DBC (They are right angles)

DB = AC (by CPCT)

So, ฮ”DBC ฮ”ACB by SAS congruency.

(iv) DC = AB (Since ฮ”DBC ฮ”ACB)

โ‡’ DM = CM = AM = BM (Since M the is mid-point)

So, DM + CM = BM+AM

Hence, CM + CM = AB

โ‡’ CM = (ยฝ) AB

Exercise: 7.2 (Page No: 123)

1. In an isosceles triangle ABC, with AB = AC, the bisectors of B and C intersect each other at O. Join A to O. Show that:

(i) OB = OC (ii) AO bisects A

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-9



AB = AC and

the bisectors of B and C intersect each other at O

(i) Since ABC is an isosceles with AB = AC,

B = C

ยฝ B = ยฝ C

โ‡’ OBC = OCB (Angle bisectors)

โˆด OB = OC (Side opposite to the equal angles are equal.)

(ii) In ฮ”AOB and ฮ”AOC,

AB = AC (Given in the question)

AO = AO (Common arm)

OB = OC (As Proved Already)

So, ฮ”AOB ฮ”AOC by SSS congruence condition.


Thus, AO bisects A.

2. In ฮ”ABC, AD is the perpendicular bisector of BC (see Fig. 7.30). Show that ฮ”ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB = AC.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-10


It is given that AD is the perpendicular bisector of BC

To prove:



In ฮ”ADB and ฮ”ADC,

AD = AD (It is the Common arm)


BD = CD (Since AD is the perpendicular bisector)

So, ฮ”ADB ฮ”ADC by SAS congruency criterion.


AB = AC (by CPCT)

3. ABC is an isosceles triangle in which altitudes BE and CF are drawn to equal sides AC and AB respectively (see Fig. 7.31). Show that these altitudes are equal.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-11



(i) BE and CF are altitudes.

(ii) AC = AB

To prove:



Triangles ฮ”AEB and ฮ”AFC are similar by AAS congruency since

A = A (It is the common arm)

AEB = AFC (They are right angles)

AB = AC (Given in the question)

โˆด ฮ”AEB ฮ”AFC and so, BE = CF (by CPCT).

4. ABC is a triangle in which altitudes BE and CF to sides AC and AB are equal (see Fig. 7.32). Show that

(i) ฮ”ABE ฮ”ACF

(ii) AB = AC, i.e., ABC is an isosceles triangle.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-12


It is given that BE = CF

(i) In ฮ”ABE and ฮ”ACF,

A = A (It is the common angle)

AEB = AFC (They are right angles)

BE = CF (Given in the question)

โˆด ฮ”ABE ฮ”ACF by AAS congruency condition.

(ii) AB = AC by CPCT and so, ABC is an isosceles triangle.

5. ABC and DBC are two isosceles triangles on the same base BC (see Fig. 7.33). Show that ABD = ACD.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-13


In the question, it is given that ABC and DBC are two isosceles triangles.

We will have to show that ABD = ACD


Triangles ฮ”ABD and ฮ”ACD are similar by SSS congruency since

AD = AD (It is the common arm)

AB = AC (Since ABC is an isosceles triangle)

BD = CD (Since BCD is an isosceles triangle)

So, ฮ”ABD ฮ”ACD.

โˆด ABD = ACD by CPCT.

6. ฮ”ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB = AC. Side BA is produced to D such that AD = AB (see Fig. 7.34). Show that BCD is a right angle.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-14


It is given that AB = AC and AD = AB

We will have to now prove BCD is a right angle.


Consider ฮ”ABC,

AB = AC (It is given in the question)

Also, ACB = ABC (They are angles opposite to the equal sides and so, they are equal)

Now, consider ฮ”ACD,


Also, ADC = ACD (They are angles opposite to the equal sides and so, they are equal)


In ฮ”ABC,

CAB + ACB + ABC = 180ยฐ

So, CAB + 2ACB = 180ยฐ

โ‡’ CAB = 180ยฐ โ€“ 2ACB โ€” (i)

Similarly, in ฮ”ADC,

CAD = 180ยฐ โ€“ 2ACD โ€” (ii)


CAB + CAD = 180ยฐ (BD is a straight line.)

Adding (i) and (ii) we get,

CAB + CAD = 180ยฐ โ€“ 2ACB+180ยฐ โ€“ 2ACD

โ‡’ 180ยฐ = 360ยฐ โ€“ 2ACB-2ACD

โ‡’ 2(ACB+ACD) = 180ยฐ

โ‡’ BCD = 90ยฐ

7. ABC is a right-angled triangle in which A = 90ยฐ and AB = AC. Find B and C.


Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-15

In the question, it is given that

A = 90ยฐ and AB = AC


โ‡’ B = C (They are angles opposite to the equal sides and so, they are equal)


A+B+C = 180ยฐ (Since the sum of the interior angles of the triangle)

โˆด 90ยฐ + 2B = 180ยฐ

โ‡’ 2B = 90ยฐ

โ‡’ B = 45ยฐ

So, B = C = 45ยฐ

8. Show that the angles of an equilateral triangle are 60ยฐ each.


Let ABC be an equilateral triangle as shown below:

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-16

Here, BC = AC = AB (Since the length of all sides is same)

โ‡’ A = B =C (Sides opposite to the equal angles are equal.)

Also, we know that

A+B+C = 180ยฐ

โ‡’ 3A = 180ยฐ

โ‡’ A = 60ยฐ

โˆด A = B = C = 60ยฐ

So, the angles of an equilateral triangle are always 60ยฐ each.

Exercise: 7.3 (Page No: 128)

1. ฮ”ABC and ฮ”DBC are two isosceles triangles on the same base BC and vertices A and D are on the same side of BC (see Fig. 7.39). If AD is extended to intersect BC at P, show that

(i) ฮ”ABD ฮ”ACD

(ii) ฮ”ABP ฮ”ACP

(iii) AP bisects A as well as D.

(iv) AP is the perpendicular bisector of BC.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-17


In the above question, it is given that ฮ”ABC and ฮ”DBC are two isosceles triangles.

(i) ฮ”ABD and ฮ”ACD are similar by SSS congruency because:

AD = AD (It is the common arm)

AB = AC (Since ฮ”ABC is isosceles)

BD = CD (Since ฮ”DBC is isosceles)

โˆด ฮ”ABD ฮ”ACD.

(ii) ฮ”ABP and ฮ”ACP are similar as:

AP = AP (It is the common side)

PAB = PAC (by CPCT since ฮ”ABD ฮ”ACD)

AB = AC (Since ฮ”ABC is isosceles)

So, ฮ”ABP ฮ”ACP by SAS congruency condition.

(iii) PAB = PAC by CPCT as ฮ”ABD ฮ”ACD.

AP bisects A. โ€” (i)

Also, ฮ”BPD and ฮ”CPD are similar by SSS congruency as

PD = PD (It is the common side)

BD = CD (Since ฮ”DBC is isosceles.)

BP = CP (by CPCT as ฮ”ABP ฮ”ACP)

So, ฮ”BPD ฮ”CPD.

Thus, BDP = CDP by CPCT. โ€” (ii)

Now by comparing (i) and (ii) it can be said that AP bisects A as well as D.

(iv) BPD = CPD (by CPCT as ฮ”BPD ฮ”CPD)

and BP = CP โ€” (i)


BPD +CPD = 180ยฐ (Since BC is a straight line.)

โ‡’ 2BPD = 180ยฐ

โ‡’ BPD = 90ยฐ โ€”(ii)

Now, from equations (i) and (ii), it can be said that

AP is the perpendicular bisector of BC.

2. AD is an altitude of an isosceles triangle ABC in which AB = AC. Show that

(i) AD bisects BC (ii) AD bisects A.


It is given that AD is an altitude and AB = AC. The diagram is as follows:

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-18

(i) In ฮ”ABD and ฮ”ACD,

ADB = ADC = 90ยฐ

AB = AC (It is given in the question)

AD = AD (Common arm)

โˆด ฮ”ABD ฮ”ACD by RHS congruence condition.

Now, by the rule of CPCT,

BD = CD.

So, AD bisects BC

(ii) Again, by the rule of CPCT, BAD = CAD

Hence, AD bisects A.

3. Two sides AB and BC and median AM of one triangle ABC are respectively equal to sides PQ and QR and median PN of ฮ”PQR (see Fig. 7.40). Show that:

(i) ฮ”ABM ฮ”PQN

(ii) ฮ”ABC ฮ”PQR

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-19


Given parameters are:

AB = PQ,

BC = QR and


(i) ยฝ BC = BM and ยฝ QR = QN (Since AM and PN are medians)

Also, BC = QR

So, ยฝ BC = ยฝ QR

โ‡’ BM = QN

In ฮ”ABM and ฮ”PQN,

AM = PN and AB = PQ (As given in the question)

BM = QN (Already proved)

โˆด ฮ”ABM ฮ”PQN by SSS congruency.

(ii) In ฮ”ABC and ฮ”PQR,

AB = PQ and BC = QR (As given in the question)


So, ฮ”ABC ฮ”PQR by SAS congruency.

4. BE and CF are two equal altitudes of a triangle ABC. Using RHS congruence rule, prove that the triangle ABC is isosceles.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-20.


It is known that BE and CF are two equal altitudes.

Now, in ฮ”BEC and ฮ”CFB,

BEC = CFB = 90ยฐ (Same Altitudes)

BC = CB (Common side)

BE = CF (Common side)

So, ฮ”BEC ฮ”CFB by RHS congruence criterion.

Also, C = B (by CPCT)

Therefore, AB = AC as sides opposite to the equal angles is always equal.

5. ABC is an isosceles triangle with AB = AC. Draw AP โŠฅ BC to show that B = C.


Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-21

In the question, it is given that AB = AC

Now, ฮ”ABP and ฮ”ACP are similar by RHS congruency as

APB = APC = 90ยฐ (AP is altitude)

AB = AC (Given in the question)

AP = AP (Common side)

So, ฮ”ABP ฮ”ACP.

โˆด B = C (by CPCT)

Exercise: 7.4 (Page No: 132)

1. Show that in a right-angled triangle, the hypotenuse is the longest side.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-22


It is known that ABC is a triangle right angled at B.

We know that,

A +B+C = 180ยฐ

Now, if B+C = 90ยฐ then A has to be 90ยฐ.

Since A is the largest angle of the triangle, the side opposite to it must be the largest.

So, AB is the hypotenuse which will be the largest side of the above right-angled triangle i.e. ฮ”ABC.

2. In Fig. 7.48, sides AB and AC of ฮ”ABC are extended to points P and Q respectively. Also, PBC < QCB. Show that AC > AB.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-23


It is given that PBC < QCB

We know that ABC + PBC = 180ยฐ

So, ABC = 180ยฐ-PBC


ACB +QCB = 180ยฐ

Therefore ACB = 180ยฐ -QCB

Now, since PBC < QCB,

โˆด ABC > ACB

Hence, AC > AB as sides opposite to the larger angle is always larger.

3. In Fig. 7.49, B < A and C < D. Show that AD < BC.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-24


In the question, it is mentioned that angles B and angle C is smaller than angles A and D respectively i.e. B < A and C < D.


Since the side opposite to the smaller angle is always smaller

AO < BO โ€” (i)

And OD < OC โ€”(ii)

By adding equation (i) and equation (ii) we get


So, AD < BC

4. AB and CD are respectively the smallest and longest sides of a quadrilateral ABCD (see Fig. 7.50).

Show that A > C and B > D.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-25


In ฮ”ABD, we see that

AB < AD < BD

So, ADB < ABD โ€” (i) (Since angle opposite to longer side is always larger)

Now, in ฮ”BCD,

BC < DC < BD

Hence, it can be concluded that

BDC < CBD โ€” (ii)

Now, by adding equation (i) and equation (ii) we get,



B > D

Similarly, In triangle ABC,

ACB < BAC โ€” (iii) (Since the angle opposite to the longer side is always larger)

Now, In ฮ”ADC,

DCA < DAC โ€” (iv)

By adding equation (iii) and equation (iv) we get,


โ‡’ BCD < BAD

โˆด A > C

5. In Fig 7.51, PR > PQ and PS bisect QPR. Prove that PSR > PSQ.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-26


It is given that PR > PQ and PS bisects QPR

Now we will have to prove that angle PSR is smaller than PSQ i.e. PSR > PSQ


QPS = RPS โ€” (ii) (As PS bisects โˆ QPR)

PQR > PRQ โ€” (i) (Since PR > PQ as angle opposite to the larger side is always larger)

PSR = PQR + QPS โ€” (iii) (Since the exterior angle of a triangle equals to the sum of opposite interior angles)

PSQ = PRQ + RPS โ€” (iv) (As the exterior angle of a triangle equals to the sum of opposite interior angles)

By adding (i) and (ii)


Thus, from (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv), we get


6. Show that of all line segments drawn from a given point not on it, the perpendicular line segment is the shortest.


First, let โ€œlโ€ be a line segment and โ€œBโ€ be a point lying on it. A line AB perpendicular to l is now drawn. Also, let C be any other point on l. The diagram will be as follows:

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 7-27

To prove:



In ฮ”ABC, B = 90ยฐ

Now, we know that

A+B+C = 180ยฐ

โˆด A +C = 90ยฐ

Hence, C must be an acute angle which implies C < B

So, AB < AC (As the side opposite to the larger angle is always larger)

Also Access 
NCERT Exemplar for class 9 Maths Chapter 7
CBSE Notes for class 9 Maths Chapter 7

Summary of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 Triangles

Triangle is a part of Geometry. However, the complete Geometry of Class 9 constitutes a weightage of 22 marks out of 80 marks. Have a look at the types of questions that are expected from Geometry in the annual exam of class 9 Maths paper.

NCERT Class 9 Maths Geometry โ€“ Marks Distribution
TopicsMultiple Choice QuestionsShort QuestionsLong Questions
Introduction to Euclidโ€™s Geometry, Lines and Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Areas, Circles, Constructions4 Qs of 1 mark each2 Qs of 3 marks each2 Qs of 6 marks each
Total Marks4 Marks6 Marks12 Marks

Students should practice all the questions from the exercise to score high marks in the Class 9 Maths paper. The step by step solution to all the exercises of NCERT Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 is provided below:

In previous classes, students must have used the properties of triangles for solving the questions, but now in the NCERT Textbook of Class 9 Maths Chapter 7, students will learn how to prove these properties. For solving the questions related to this topic, it is very necessary that students should know the congruence rule. So, firstly go through the theory and then look at the solved examples that are already there in the book. After that, start solving the exercise problems.

Students can also have a look at the NCERT Solutions of Class 9 for Science subject to know the answers of all the chapters with a detailed explanation.

Important Concepts Learned in NCERT Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 โ€“ Triangles

The aim of including this Triangle Chapter in Class 9 Maths NCERT textbook is to make students know the following concepts:

  1. Congruence of triangles.
  2. Criteria for congruence of triangles (SAS congruence rule, ASA congruence rule, SSS congruence rule, RHS congruence rule).
  3. Properties of triangles.
  4. Inequalities of triangle.

We hope this information on โ€œNCERT Solution Class 9 Maths Chapter 7โ€ is useful for students. Click on NCERT Solutions to get the solved answers of the NCERT book for all the classes. Stay tuned for further updates on CBSE and other competitive exams. To access interactive Maths and Science Videos download BYJUโ€™S App and subscribe to YouTube Channel.

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7

List out the important topics covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7.

The important concepts covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 are
1. Congruence of triangles.
2. Criteria for congruence of triangles (SAS congruence rule, ASA congruence rule, SSS congruence rule, RHS congruence rule).
3. Properties of triangles.
4. Inequalities of triangles.

What is the meaning of congruence of triangles in NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7?

According to NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7congruence of triangles states that two triangles are said to be congruent if they are copies of each other and when superposed, they cover each other exactly. In other words, two triangles are congruent if the sides and angles of one triangle are equal to the corresponding sides and angles of the other triangle.

How is NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 helpful for board exam preparation?

Practising NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 help the students to top the final exams and ace a subject. These solutions are devised, based on the most updated syllabus, covering all the crucial topics of the respective subjects. Hence, solving these questions will make the students more confident to face the board exams. Topics given in these solutions form the basis for top scores. It also helps the students to get familiar with answering questions of all difficulty levels. These solutions are highly recommended to the students for referencing and to practice for the board exams.

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