NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 9 Algebraic Expressions and Identities

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 9 Algebraic Expressions and Identities

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Exercise 9.1 Page No: 140

Q1. Identify the terms, their coefficients for each of the following expressions. (i) 5xyz2 â€“ 3zy (ii) 1 + x + x2(iii) 4x2y2 â€“ 4x2y2z2 + z2 (iv) 3 – pq + qr – p (v) (x/2) + (y/2) – xy (vi) 0.3a – 0.6ab + 0.5b

Solution :

Sl. No.ExpressionTermCoefficient
i)5xyz2 â€“ 3zyTerm: 5xyz2Term: -3zy5 -3
ii)1 + x + x2Term: 1
Term: x
Term: x2
1 1 1
iii)4x2y2 â€“ 4x2y2z2 + z2Term: 4x2y2
Term: -4 x2y2z2
Term :  z2
4 -4 1
iv)3 – pq + qr – pTerm : 3 -pq qr -p3 -1 1 -1
v)(x/2) + (y/2) – xyTerm : x/2 Y/2 -xy½ 1/2 -1
vi)0.3a – 0.6ab + 0.5bTerm : 0.3a -0.6ab 0.5b0.3 -0.6 0.5

2. Classify the following polynomials as monomials, binomials, trinomials. Which polynomials do not fit in any of these three categories?x + y, 1000, x + x2 + x3 + x4 , 7 + y + 5x, 2y – 3y2 , 2y – 3y2 + 4y3 , 5x – 4y + 3xy, 4z – 15z2 , ab + bc + cd + da, pqr, p2q + pq2 , 2p + 2q


Let us first define the classifications of these 3 polynomials:

Monomials, Contain only one term.

Binomials, Contain only two terms.

Trinomials, Contain only three terms.

x + ytwo termsBinomial
1000one termMonomial
x + x2 + x3 + x4four termsPolynomial, and it does not fit in listed three categories
2y – 3y2two termsBinomial
2y – 3y2 + 4y3three termsTrinomial
5x – 4y + 3xythree termsTrinomial
4z – 15z2two termsBinomial
ab + bc + cd + dafour termsPolynomial, and it does not fit in listed three categories
pqrone termMonomial
p2q + pq2two termsBinomial
2p + 2qtwo termsBinomial
7 + y + 5xthree termsTrinomial

3.  Add the following.

(i) ab – bc, bc – ca, ca – ab

(ii) a – b + ab, b – c + bc, c – a + ac

(iii) 2p2q2 â€“ 3pq + 4, 5 + 7pq – 3p2q2

(iv) l2 + m2, m2 + n2, n2 + l2, 2lm + 2mn + 2nl


i) (ab – bc) + (bc – ca) + (ca-ab)

= ab – bc + bc – ca + ca – ab

= ab – ab – bc + bc – ca + ca

= 0

ii) (a – b + ab) + (b – c + bc) + (c – a + ac)

= a – b + ab + b – c + bc + c – a + ac

= a – a +b – b +c – c + ab + bc + ca

= 0 + 0 + 0 + ab + bc + ca

= ab + bc + ca

iii) 2p2q2 â€“ 3pq + 4, 5 + 7pq – 3p2q2

= (2p2q2 â€“ 3pq + 4) + (5 + 7pq – 3p2q2)

= 2p2q2 â€“ 3p2q2 â€“ 3pq + 7pq + 4 + 5

= – p2q2 + 4pq + 9

iv)(l2 + m2) + (m2 + n2) + (n2 + l2) + (2lm + 2mn + 2nl)

= l2 + l2 + m2 + m2 + n2 + n2 + 2lm + 2mn + 2nl

= 2l2 + 2m2 + 2n2 + 2lm + 2mn + 2nl

4. (a) Subtract 4a – 7ab + 3b + 12 from 12a – 9ab + 5b – 3

(b) Subtract 3xy + 5yz – 7zx from 5xy – 2yz – 2zx + 10xyz

 (c) Subtract 4p2q – 3pq + 5pq2 â€“ 8p + 7q – 10 from 18 – 3p – 11q + 5pq – 2pq2 + 5p2q


(a) (12a – 9ab + 5b – 3) – (4a – 7ab + 3b + 12)

= 12a – 9ab + 5b – 3 – 4a + 7ab – 3b – 12

= 12a – 4a -9ab + 7ab +5b – 3b -3 -12

= 8a – 2ab + 2b – 15

b) (5xy – 2yz – 2zx + 10xyz) – (3xy + 5yz – 7zx)

= 5xy – 2yz – 2zx + 10xyz – 3xy – 5yz + 7zx

=5xy – 3xy – 2yz – 5yz – 2zx + 7zx + 10xyz

= 2xy – 7yz + 5zx + 10xyz

c) (18 – 3p – 11q + 5pq – 2pq2 + 5p2q) – (4p2q – 3pq + 5pq2 â€“ 8p + 7q – 10)

= 18 – 3p – 11q + 5pq – 2pq2 + 5p2q – 4p2q + 3pq – 5pq2 + 8p – 7q + 10

=18+10 -3p+8p -11q – 7q + 5 pq+ 3pq- 2pq^2 – 5pq^2 + 5 p^2 q – 4p^2 q

= 28 + 5p – 18q + 8pq – 7pq2 + p2q

Exercise 9.2 Page No: 143

1. Find the product of the following pairs of monomials.

(i) 4, 7p

(ii) – 4p, 7p

(iii) – 4p, 7pq

(iv)  4p3, – 3p

(v) 4p, 0


(i) 4 , 7 p =  4 7 × p = 28p

(ii) – 4p Ã— 7p = (-4 × 7 ) × (p × p )= -28p2

(iii) – 4p Ã— 7pq =(-4 × 7 ) (p × pq) =  -28p2q

(iv) 4p3 Ã— – 3p = (4 × -3 ) (p3 Ã— p ) =  -12p4

(v) 4p Ã—  0 = 0

2. Find the areas of rectangles with the following pairs of monomials as their lengths and breadths respectively.

(p, q) ; (10m, 5n) ; (20x2 , 5y2) ; (4x, 3x2) ; (3mn, 4np)


Area of rectangle = Length x breadth. So, it is multiplication of two monomials.

The results can be written in square units.

(i) p Ã— q = pq

(ii)10m Ã— 5n = 50mn

(iii) 20x2 Ã— 5y2 =  100x2y2

(iv) 4x Ã— 3x2 = 12x3

(v) 3mn Ã— 4np = 12mn2p

3. Complete the following table of products:

ncert solution for class 8 maths chapter 09 fig 1


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4. Obtain the volume of rectangular boxes with the following length, breadth and height respectively.

(i) 5a, 3a2, 7a4

(ii) 2p, 4q, 8r

(iii) xy, 2x2y, 2xy2

(iv) a, 2b, 3c


Volume of rectangle = length x  breadth x  height. To evaluate volume of rectangular boxes, multiply all the monomials.

(i) 5a x 3a2 x 7a4 = (5 × 3 × 7) (a × a2 Ã— a4 ) = 105a7

(ii) 2p x 4q x 8r = (2 × 4 × 8 ) (p × q × r ) = 64pqr

(iii) y Ã— 2x2y × 2xy2 =(1 × 2 × 2 )( x × x2 Ã— x × y × y × y2 ) =  4x4y4

(iv) a x  2b x 3c = (1 × 2 × 3 ) (a × b × c) = 6abc

5. Obtain the product of

(i) xy,  yz, zx

(ii) a, – a2 , a3

(iii) 2, 4y, 8y2 , 16y3

(iv) a, 2b, 3c, 6abc

(v) m, – mn, mnp


(i) xy × yz × zx = xyz2

(ii) a × – a2  × a= – a6

(iii) 2 × 4y × 8y2 Ã— 16y= 1024 y6

(iv) a × 2b × 3c × 6abc = 36abc2

(v) m × – mn × mnp = –mnp

Exercise 9.3 Page No: 146

1. Carry out the multiplication of the expressions in each of the following pairs.

(i) 4p, q + r

(ii) ab, a – b

(iii) a + b, 7a²b²

(iv) a– 9, 4a

(v) pq + qr + rp, 0


(i)4p(q + r) = 4pq + 4pr

(ii)ab(a – b) = ab – a b2

(iii)(a + b) (7a2b2) = 7a3b2 + 7a2b3

(iv) (a2 â€“ 9)(4a) = 4a3 â€“ 36a

(v) (pq + qr + rp) Ã— 0 = 0 ( Anything multiplied by zero is zero )

2. Complete the table.

ncert solutions for class 8 maths chapter 09 fig 3


First expressionSecond expressionProduct
(i)ab + c + da(b+c+d)= a×b + a×c + a×d= ab + ac + ad
(ii)x + y – 55xy5 xy (x + y – 5)= 5 xy x x + 5 xy x y – 5 xy x 5= 5 x2y + 5 xy– 25xy
(iii)p6p– 7p + 5p (6 p 2-7 p +5)= p× 6 p– p× 7 p + p×5= 6 p– 7 p+ 5 p
(iv)4 pq2P– q24p2 q2 * (p2 â€“ q2 )=4 p4 q2– 4p2 q4
(v)a + b + cabcabc(a + b + c)= abc × a + abc × b + abc × c= a2bc + ab2c + abc2

3. Find the product.

i) a2 x (2a22) x (4a26)

ii) (2/3 xy) ×(-9/10 x2y2)

(iii) (-10/3 pq3/) × (6/5 p3q)

(iv) (x) Ã— (x2) Ã— (x3) Ã— (x4)


i) a2 x (2a22) x (4a26)

= (2 × 4) ( a2 Ã— a22 Ã— a26 )

= 8 × a2 + 22 + 26 

= 8a50

ii) (2xy/3) ×(-9x2y2/10)

=(2/3 × -9/10 ) ( x × x2 Ã— y × y2 )

= (-3/5 x3y3)

iii) (-10pq3/3) ×(6p3q/5)

= ( -10/3 × 6/5 ) (p × p3× q3 Ã— q)

= (-4p4q4)

iv)  ( x) x (x2) x (x3) x (x4)

= x 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 

=  x10

4. (a) Simplify 3x (4x – 5) + 3 and find its values for (i) x = 3 (ii) x =1/2

(b) Simplify a (a2+ a + 1) + 5 and find its value for (i) a = 0, (ii) a = 1 (iii) a = – 1.


a) 3x (4x – 5) + 3

=3x ( 4x) – 3x( 5) +3

=12x2 â€“ 15x + 3

(i) Putting x=3 in the equation we gets 12x2 â€“ 15x + 3 =12(32) – 15 (3) +3

= 108 – 45 + 3

= 66

(ii) Putting x=1/2 in the equation we get

12x2 â€“ 15x + 3 = 12 (1/2)2 â€“ 15 (1/2) + 3

= 12 (1/4) – 15/2 +3

= 3 – 15/2 + 3

= 6- 15/2

= (12- 15 ) /2

= -3/2

b) a(a+a +1)+5

= a x a2 + a x a + a x 1 + 5 =a3+a2+a+ 5

(i) putting a=0 in the equation we get 03+02+0+5=5

(ii) putting a=1 in the equation we get 1+ 1+ 1+5 = 1 + 1 + 1+5 = 8

(iii) Putting a = -1 in the equation we get (-1)3+(-1)+ (-1)+5 = -1 + 1 – 1+5 = 4

5. (a) Add: p ( p – q), q ( q – r) and r ( r – p) 

(b) Add: 2x (z – x – y) and 2y (z – y – x) 

(c) Subtract: 3l (l – 4 m + 5 n) from 4l ( 10 n – 3 m + 2 l ) 

(d) Subtract: 3a (a + b + c ) – 2 b (a – b + c)  from 4c ( – a + b + c )


a) p ( p – q) + q ( q – r) + r ( r – p)

= (p2 â€“ pq) + (q2 â€“ qr) + (r2 â€“ pr)

= p2 + q2 + r2 â€“ pq – qr – pr

b) 2x (z – x – y) + 2y (z – y – x)

= (2xz – 2x2 â€“ 2xy) + (2yz – 2y2 â€“ 2xy)

= 2xz – 4xy + 2yz – 2x2 â€“ 2y2

c) 4l ( 10 n – 3 m + 2 l ) – 3l (l – 4 m + 5 n)

= (40ln – 12lm + 8l2) – (3l2 â€“ 12lm + 15ln)

= 40ln – 12lm + 8l2 â€“ 3l2 +12lm -15 ln

= 25 ln + 5l2

d) 4c ( – a + b + c ) â€“ (3a (a + b + c ) – 2 b (a – b + c))

= (-4ac + 4bc + 4c2) – (3a2 + 3ab + 3ac – ( 2ab – 2b2 + 2bc ))

=-4ac + 4bc + 4c2 â€“ (3a2 + 3ab + 3ac – 2ab + 2b2 â€“ 2bc)

= -4ac + 4bc + 4c2 â€“ 3a2 â€“ 3ab – 3ac +2ab – 2b2 + 2bc

= -7ac + 6bc + 4c2 â€“ 3a2 â€“ ab – 2b2

Exercise 9.4 Page No: 148

1. Multiply the binomials.

(i) (2x + 5) and (4x – 3)

(ii) (y – 8) and (3y – 4)

(iii) (2.5l – 0.5m) and (2.5l + 0.5m)

(iv) (a + 3b) and (x + 5)

(v) (2pq + 3q2) and (3pq – 2q2)

(vi) (3/4 a2 + 3b2) and 4( a2 â€“ 2/3 b2)

Solution :

(i) (2x + 5)(4x – 3)

2x x 4x â€“ 2x x 3 + 5 x 4x â€“ 5 x 3

8x² – 6x + 20x -15

8x² + 14x -15

ii) ( y – 8)(3y – 4)

= y x 3y – 4y – 8 x 3y + 32

= 3y2 â€“ 4y – 24y + 32

= 3y2 â€“ 28y + 32

(iii) (2.5l â€“ 0.5m)(2.5l + 0.5m)

2.5l x 2.5 l + 2.5l x 0.5m – 0.5m x 2.5l – 0.5m x 0.5m

= 6.25l2 + 1.25 lm – 1.25 lm – 0.25 m2

= 6.25l2– 0.25 m2

iv) (a + 3b) (x + 5)

= ax + 5a + 3bx + 15b

v) (2pq + 3q2(3pq – 2q2)

= 2pq x 3pq – 2pq x 2q2 + 3q2 x 3pq – 3q2 x 2q2

= 6p2q2 â€“ 4pq3 + 9pq3 â€“ 6q4

= 6p2q2 + 5pq3 â€“ 6q4

(vi) (3/4 a² + 3b² ) and 4( a² â€“ 2/3 b² )

=(3/4 a² + 3b² ) x 4( a² â€“ 2/3 b² )

=(3/4 a² + 3b² ) x (4a² â€“ 8/3 b² )

=3/4 a² x (4a² â€“ 8/3 b² ) + 3b² x (4a² â€“ 8/3 b² )

=3/4 a² x 4a² -3/4 a² x 8/3 b² + 3b² x 4a² â€“ 3b² x 8/3 b²

=3a4– 2a² b² + 12 a²  b² â€“ 8b4

= 3a4 + 10a²  b² â€“ 8b4

2. Find the product.

(i) (5 – 2x) (3 + x)

(ii) (x + 7y) (7x – y)

(iii) (a2+ b) (a + b2)

(iv) (p– q2) (2p + q)


(i) (5 – 2x) (3 + x)

= 5 (3 + x) – 2x (3 + x)

=15 + 5x – 6x – 2x2

= 15 – x -2 x 2

(ii) (x + 7y) (7x – y)

= x(7x-y) + 7y ( 7x-y)

=7x2 â€“ xy + 49xy – 7y2

= 7x2 â€“ 7y2 + 48xy

iii) (a2+ b) (a + b2)

= a2  (a + b2) + b(a + b2)

= a3 + a2b2 + ab + b3

= a3 + b3 + a2b2 + ab

iv) (p2– q2) (2p + q)

= p(2p + q) – q2 (2p + q)

=2p3 + p2q – 2pq2 â€“ q3

= 2p3 â€“ q3 + p2q – 2pq2

3. Simplify.

(i) (x2– 5) (x + 5) + 25

(ii) (a2+ 5) (b3+ 3) + 5

(iii)(t + s2)(t2 â€“ s)

(iv) (a + b) (c – d) + (a – b) (c + d) + 2 (ac + bd)

(v) (x + y)(2x + y) + (x + 2y)(x – y)

(vi) (x + y)(x2– xy + y2)

(vii) (1.5x – 4y)(1.5x + 4y + 3) – 4.5x + 12y

(viii) (a + b + c)(a + b – c)

Solution :

i) (x2– 5) (x + 5) + 25

= x3 + 5x2 â€“ 5x – 25 + 25

= x3 + 5x2 â€“ 5x

ii) (a2+ 5) (b3+ 3) + 5

= a2b3 + 3a2 + 5b3 + 15 + 5

= a2b3 + 5b3 + 3a2 + 20

iii) (t + s2)(t2 â€“ s)

t (t2 â€“ s) + s2(t2 â€“ s)

= t– st + s2t– s3

= t3 â€“ s3 â€“ st + s2t2

iv) (a + b) (c – d) + (a – b) (c + d) + 2 (ac + bd)

= (a + b) (c – d) + (a – b) (c + d) + 2 (ac + bd)

=(ac – ad + bc – bd) + (ac + ad – bc – bd) + (2ac + 2bd)

= ac – ad + bc – bd + ac + ad – bc – bd + 2ac + 2bd

= 4ac

v) (x + y)(2x + y) + (x + 2y)(x – y)

= 2x2 + xy + 2xy + y2 + x2 â€“ xy + 2xy – 2y2

= 3x2 + 4xy – y2

vi) (x + y)(x2– xy + y2)

= x3 â€“ x2y + xy2 + x2y – xy2 + y3

= x3 + y3

vii) (1.5x – 4y)(1.5x + 4y + 3) – 4.5x + 12y

= 2.25x2 + 6xy + 4.5x – 6xy – 16y2 â€“ 12y – 4.5x + 12y = 2.25x2 â€“ 16y2

viii) (a + b + c)(a + b – c)

= a2 + ab – ac + ab + b2 â€“ bc + ac + bc – c2

= a2 + b2 â€“ c2 + 2ab

Exercise 9.5 Page No: 151

1. Use a suitable identity to get each of the following products.

(i) (x + 3) (x + 3)

(ii) (2y + 5) (2y + 5)

(iii) (2a – 7) (2a – 7)

(iv) (3a – 1/2)(3a – 1/2)

(v) (1.1m – 0.4) (1.1m + 0.4)

(vi) (a2+ b2) (- a2+ b2)

(vii) (6x – 7) (6x + 7)

(viii) (- a + c) (- a + c)

(ix) (1/2x + 3/4y) (1/2x + 3/4y)

(x) (7a – 9b) (7a – 9b)


(i) (x + 3) (x + 3) = (x + 3)2

= x2 + 6x + 9 Using (a+b) 2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab

ii) (2y + 5) (2y + 5) = (2y + 5)2

= 4y2 + 20y + 25 Using (a+b) 2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab

iii) (2a – 7) (2a – 7) = (2a – 7)2

= 4a2 â€“ 28a + 49

Using (a-b) 2

= a2 + b2 â€“ 2ab

iv) (3a – 1/2)(3a – 1/2) = (3a – 1/2)2

=  9a2 -3a+(1/4)

Using (a-b) 2

= a2 + b2 â€“ 2ab

v)   (1.1m – 0.4) (1.1m + 0.4)

= 1.21m2 â€“ 0.16

Using (a – b)(a + b)

= a2 â€“ b2

vi) (a2+ b2) (– a2+ b2)

= (b2 + a2 ) (b2 â€“ a2)

= -a4 + b4

Using (a – b)(a + b) = a2 â€“ b2

vii) (6x – 7) (6x + 7)

=36x2 â€“ 49 Using (a – b)(a + b)

= a2 â€“ b2

viii) (– a + c) (– a + c) = (– a + c)2

= c2 + a2 â€“ 2ac Using (a-b) 2

= a2 + b2 â€“ 2ab

ncert solution for class 8 maths chapter 09 fig 7

= (x2/4) + (9y2/16) + (3xy/4)

Using (a+b) 2

= a2 + b2 + 2ab

x) (7a – 9b) (7a – 9b) = (7a – 9b)2

= 49a2 â€“ 126ab + 81b2

Using (a-b) 2 = a2 + b2 â€“ 2ab

2. Use the identity (x + a) (x + b) = x+ (a + b) x + ab to find the following products.

(i) (x + 3) (x + 7)

(ii) (4x + 5) (4x + 1)

(iii) (4x – 5) (4x – 1)

(iv) (4x + 5) (4x – 1)

(v) (2x + 5y) (2x + 3y)

(vi) (2a+ 9) (2a+ 5)

(vii) (xyz – 4) (xyz – 2)


(i)(x + 3) (x + 7)

= x2 + (3+7)x + 21

= x2 + 10x + 21

ii) (4x + 5) (4x + 1)

= 16x2 + 4x + 20x + 5

= 16x2 + 24x + 5

iii) (4x – 5) (4x – 1)

= 16x2 â€“ 4x – 20x + 5

= 16x2 â€“ 24x + 5

iv) (4x + 5) (4x – 1)

= 16x2 + (5-1)4x – 5

= 16x2 +16x – 5

v) (2x + 5y) (2x + 3y)

= 4x2 + (5y + 3y)2x + 15y2

= 4x2 + 16xy + 15y2

vi) (2a2+ 9) (2a2+ 5)

= 4a4 + (9+5)2a2 + 45

= 4a4 + 28a2 + 45

vii) (xyz – 4) (xyz – 2)

= x2y2z2 + (-4 -2)xyz + 8

= x2y2z2 â€“ 6xyz + 8

3. Find the following squares by using the identities.

(i) (b – 7)2

(ii) (xy + 3z)2

(iii) (6x2 â€“ 5y)2

(iv) [(2m/3) + (3n/2)]2

(v) (0.4p – 0.5q)2

(vi) (2xy + 5y)2


Using identities:

(a – b) 2 = a2 + b2 â€“ 2ab (a + b) 2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab

(i) (b – 7)= b2 â€“ 14b + 49

(ii) (xy + 3z)= x2y2 + 6xyz + 9z2

(iii) (6x2 â€“ 5y)2 = 36x4 â€“ 60x2y + 25y2

(iv) [(2m/3}) + (3n/2)]= (4m2/9) +(9n2/4) + 2mn

(v) (0.4p – 0.5q)2 = 0.16p2 â€“ 0.4pq + 0.25q2

(vi) (2xy + 5y)2 = 4x2y2 + 20xy2 + 25y2

4. Simplify.

(i) (a– b2)2

(ii) (2x + 5) â€“ (2x – 5)2

(iii) (7m – 8n)+ (7m + 8n)2

(iv) (4m + 5n)+ (5m + 4n)2

(v) (2.5p – 1.5q)– (1.5p – 2.5q)2

(vi) (ab + bc)2– 2ab²c

(vii) (m– n2m)+ 2m3n2


i) (a2– b2)2 = a4 + b4 â€“ 2a2b2

ii) (2x + 5) â€“ (2x – 5)2
= 4x2 + 20x + 25 – (4x2 â€“ 20x + 25) = 4x2 + 20x + 25 – 4x2 + 20x – 25 = 40x

iii) (7m – 8n)+ (7m + 8n)2
= 49m2 â€“ 112mn + 64n2 + 49m2 + 112mn + 49n2
= 98m2 + 128n2

iv) (4m + 5n)+ (5m + 4n)2
= 16m2 + 40mn + 25n2 + 25m2 + 40mn + 16n2
= 41m2 + 80mn + 41n2

v) (2.5p – 1.5q)– (1.5p – 2.5q)2
= 6.25p2 â€“ 7.5pq + 2.25q2 â€“ 2.25p2 + 7.5pq – 6.25q2
= 4p2 â€“ 4q2

vi) (ab + bc)2– 2ab²c = a2b2 + 2ab2c + b2c2 â€“ 2ab2c = a2b2 + b2c2

vii) (m– n2m)+ 2m3n2
= m4 â€“ 2m3n2 + m2n4 + 2m3n2
= m4 + m2n4

5. Show that.

(i) (3x + 7)– 84x = (3x – 7)2

(ii) (9p – 5q)2+ 180pq = (9p + 5q)2

(iii) (4/3m – 3/4n)2 â€“ (4pq – 3q)2 = 48pq2

(iv) (4pq + 3q)2– (4pq – 3q)= 48pq2

(v) (a – b) (a + b) + (b – c) (b + c) + (c – a) (c + a) = 0


i) LHS = (3x + 7)– 84x

= 9x2 + 42x + 49 – 84x
= 9x2 â€“ 42x + 49


ii)  LHS = (9p – 5q)2+ 180pq
= 81p2 â€“ 90pq + 25q2 + 180pq
= 81p2 + 90pq + 25q2
RHS = (9p + 5q)2
= 81p2 + 90pq + 25q2

ncert solution for class 8 maths chapter 09 fig 8


iv)  LHS = (4pq + 3q)2– (4pq – 3q)2

= 16p2q2 + 24pq2 + 9q2 â€“ 16p2q2 + 24pq2 â€“ 9q2

= 48pq2



v) LHS = (a – b) (a + b) + (b – c) (b + c) + (c – a) (c + a)

a2 â€“ b2 + b2 â€“ c2 + c2 â€“ a2

= 0


6. Using identities, evaluate.

(i) 71²

(ii) 99²

(iii) 1022

(iv) 998²

(v) 5.2²

(vi) 297 x 303

(vii) 78 x 82

(viii) 8.92

(ix) 10.5 x 9.5


i) 712

= (70+1)2

= 702 + 140 + 12

= 4900 + 140 +1

= 5041

ii) 99²

= (100 -1)2

= 1002 â€“ 200 + 12

= 10000 – 200 + 1

= 9801

iii) 1022

= (100 + 2)2

= 1002 + 400 + 22

= 10000 + 400 + 4 = 10404

iv) 9982

= (1000 – 2)2

= 10002 â€“ 4000 + 22

= 1000000 – 4000 + 4

= 996004

v) 5.22

= (5 + 0.2)2

= 52 + 2 + 0.22

= 25 + 2 + 0.4 = 27.4

vi) 297 x 303

= (300 – 3 )(300 + 3)

= 3002 â€“ 32

= 90000 – 9

= 89991

vii) 78 x 82

= (80 – 2)(80 + 2)

= 802 â€“ 22

= 6400 – 4

= 6396

viii) 8.92

= (9 – 0.1)2

= 92 â€“ 1.8 + 0.12

= 81 – 1.8 + 0.01

= 79.21

ix) 10.5 x 9.5

= (10 + 0.5)(10 – 0.5)

= 102 â€“ 0.52

= 100 – 0.25

= 99.75

7. Using a– b2 = (a + b) (a – b), find

(i) 512– 492

(ii) (1.02)2– (0.98)2

(iii) 1532– 1472

(iv) 12.12– 7.92


i) 512– 492

= (51 + 49)(51 – 49) = 100 x 2 = 200

ii) (1.02)2– (0.98)2

= (1.02 + 0.98)(1.02 – 0.98) = 2 x 0.04 = 0.08

iii) 153– 1472

= (153 + 147)(153 – 147) = 300 x 6 = 1800

iv) 12.1– 7.92

= (12.1 + 7.9)(12.1 – 7.9) = 20 x 4.2= 84

8. Using (x + a) (x + b) = x+ (a + b) x + ab, find

(i) 103 x 104

(ii) 5.1 x 5.2

(iii) 103 x 98

(iv) 9.7 x 9.8


i) 103 x 104

= (100 + 3)(100 + 4)

= 1002 + (3 + 4)100 + 12

= 10000 + 700 + 12

= 10712

ii) 5.1 x 5.2

= (5 + 0.1)(5 + 0.2)

= 52 + (0.1 + 0.2)5 + 0.1 x 0.2

= 25 + 1.5 + 0.02

= 26.52

iii) 103 x 98

= (100 + 3)(100 – 2)

= 1002 + (3-2)100 – 6

= 10000 + 100 – 6

= 10094

iv) 9.7 x 9.8

= (9 + 0.7 )(9 + 0.8)

= 92 + (0.7 + 0.8)9 + 0.56

= 81 + 13.5 + 0.56

= 95.06

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CBSE Notes for class 8 Maths Chapter 9

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 9 Algebraic Expressions and Identities

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 CBSE Maths Chapter 9, explains basic concepts like terms, factors, coefficients, like and unlike terms, addition and subtraction of algebraic expressions, and multiplication of two or more polynomials. Students will also learn about various algebraic expression identities and solve problems applying these identities. NCERT Class 8 , Chapter 9- Algebraic Expressions and Identities carries a total weightage of 8 to 10 marks in the final examination. NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Maths Chapter 9 Exercises: Get detailed solution for all the questions listed under below exercises:
Exercise 9.1 Solutions : 4 Questions (Short answers)
Exercise 9.2 Solutions : 5 Questions (Short answers)
Exercise 9.3 Solutions : 5 Questions (Short answers)
Exercise 9.4 Solutions : 3 Questions (Short answers)
Exercise 9.5 Solutions : 8 Questions (Short answers)

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 9 Algebraic Expressions and Identities

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 9 is mainly about the study of solving polynomial related problems. The chapter builds a strong foundation for the students to deal with higher grade Maths problems.
The main topics covered in this chapter include:

9.1What are Expressions?
9.2Terms, Factors and Coefficients
9.3Monomials, Binomials and Polynomials
9.4Like and Unlike Terms
9.5Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions
9.6Multiplication of Algebraic Expressions: Introduction
9.7Multiplying a Monomial by a Monomial
9.8Multiplying a Monomial by a Polynomial
9.9Multiplying a Polynomial by a Polynomial
9.10What is an Identity?
9.11Standard Identities
9.12Applying Identities

Key Features of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 9 Algebraic Expressions and Identities

  1. NCERT Solutions provides fully resolved step by step solutions to all textbook questions.
  2. Set of solutions contain a list of all important formulas on algebraic identities.
  3. These solutions are designed based on the latest syllabus.
  4. Solutions are prepared by subject experts.
  5. NCERT Solutions are helpful for the preparation of competitive exams.

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How NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 9 helpful for board exams?

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 9 provides answers with detailed descriptions as per term limit particularised by the Board for self-evaluation. Solving these solutions will provide excellent practice for the students so they can finish the paper on time. So, it’s clear that the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 9 are essential to score high in examinations. Students can get acquainted with writing exams and will be able to face exams more confidently.

Is it necessary to practice all the exercises present in Chapter 9 of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths?

Yes, it is compulsory to practice all the exercises present in Chapter 9 of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths. Because all exercises contain numerous questions to solve which may come in their finals. This makes them more confident towards the syllabus they have.

Mention the topics that are covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 9?

The topics that are covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 9 are 9.1 – introduction to expressions, 9.2 – terms, factors and coefficients, 9.3 – monomials, binomials and polynomials, 9.4 – like and unlike terms, 9.5 – addition and subtraction of algebraic expressions, 9.6 – multiplication of algebraic expressions: introduction, 9.7 – multiplying a monomial by a monomial, 9.8 – multiplying a monomial by a polynomial, 9.9 – multiplying a polynomial by a polynomial, 9.10 – definition and meaning of identity, 9.11 – standard identities and 9.12 – applying identities.

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