NCERT Class 4 EVS Chapter 18 – Too Much Water Too Little Water helps students understand the importance of water. The chapter, as well as the solutions that we are providing here, has been designed to help students learn about conserving water in the right way, different uses of water as well as the effects of clean and dirty water. Additionally, these solutions will act as a great reference for students and they can also prepare well for exams.
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 18 Too Much Water Too Little Water:-Download PDF

Access Answers to NCERT Class 4 EVS Chapter 18 Too Much Water Too Little Water
What to Drink?
Question 1:
How can unclean or dirty water harm our body?
Unclean or dirty water can result in many diseases in our body.
Question 2:
Have you ever got dirty or unclean water in your area? What was the reason for this?
Yes, I have got unclean water in my area because of a leakage in the pipeline.
Question 3:
Do you know anyone who has fallen sick because of such water? Talk about this.
Yes, some of my friends in my neighbourhood fell sick because of such unclean water.
Question 4:
When the guest came to Suguna’s house, they offered him a cold drink, because they thought he should not drink such water. What do you think Suguna’s family must be doing for their own drinking water?
I think Suguna’s family must be cleaning the water through boiling or putting alum/chlorine into the water in order to make it fit for drinking.
Question 5:
The guest said he did not take cold drinks. Why do you think he said this?
The guest would have said this because aerated drinks like cold drinks are not good for health. They may cause issues in the digestive system of the body.
Water Games
Read and Write
Question 1:
Have you ever faced a shortage of water in your house? When?
Yes, we face a shortage of water in our home sometimes during the summer season.
Question 2:
What did you do then?
We get water from private tankers or purchase cans of water.
Question 3:
Have you ever played in water? Where and when?
Yes, we have played in water at a fun park in my city last month.
Question 4:
Are there times when you are not allowed to play in water? What are the reasons for this?
Yes, there are times when we are not allowed to play in water. The reasons being:
- shortage of water
- uncleanliness of water
- too much depth of water
Question 5:
The water park had a lot of water to play in, but the nearby village did not have water even to drink. Discuss.
The water park had a lot of water to play in, but the nearby village did not have water even to drink. This is because of the poor management of the local municipality or the concerned authorities. The water parks are usually run by private authorities in order to generate profit. So, they might be getting the water supplied by paying extra charges.
Question 6:
If you go to a water park, find out from where the water comes to the park.
The water comes to the park through the pipelines.
Can We Drink This?
Write in your notebook
Question 1:
Why was Raziya worried when she read the newspaper?
Raziya was worried when she read the newspaper because it said that the gutter water had got mixed with the water in the drinking water pipes, thus making the water
Question 2:
Raziya asked that all the water that was filled the previous day should be thrown. Could this water have been used for something else? What kind of things?
Yes, this water could have been used for cleaning purposes and watering the plants.
Question 3:
In what way did she plan to clean the water?
She planned to clean the water by boiling it.
Question 4:
Do you know of different ways to clean the water? Describe them.
Yes, I know some ways to clean the water. Water can be cleaned:
1. by boiling
2. by putting chlorine tablets
3. by putting alum
Question 5:
Suppose, Raziya had not read the news and everyone had drunk the water without boiling it, what could have happened?
If everyone would have drunk the water without boiling it, then they might have suffered from diseases.
Question 1:
Where Deepak lives, everyone has to stand in a queue to fill water from the common public tap. In Raziya’s house, water comes all day in the tap. Why is this?
Deepak lives in slum area, where the people are devoid of the basic facilities like water. Whereas, Raziya’s apartment is in Cuffe Parade, Mumbai, where her house gets all the basic facilities like water connection, with charges.
Question 2:
Raziya read news about the water in the newspaper. Have you read any news about water in the newspapers? What kind of news?
Yes, I have read many news about the water in the newspapers like the shortage of water, unavailability of water in some areas, circulation of unhealthy water, etc.
Do and Discuss
Question 1:
Look through the newspapers of the last one month. Look for all news-items related to water. Cut them out. Stick all the cuttings together on a big paper to make a big collage. Talk about what you have collected. Discuss in the class.
Do it yourself.
Water Survey in School
Group 1
Observe and Note –
Question 1:
Put a tick in right box or boxes.
Where does the water in your school come from?


Question 2:
Put a tick in right box or boxes.
In your school, from where do you take water to drink?


Question 3:
If there is no tap, matka or hand pump, then how do you get drinking water?
In case there is no tap, matka or hand pump, then we get drinking water from the water tankers.
Question 4:
Is there water in all the taps or hand pumps?
Yes, water is there in all the taps and hand pumps.
Question 5:
Is there any tap which is leaking or dripping?
Yes, 2 of the taps are leaking and a few taps are dripping.
Question 6:
Are all the matkas filled with water and are they covered?
Yes, all the matkas are filled with water and are covered properly.
Question 7:
Are the matkas and other water containers cleaned regularly?
Yes, the matkas and other water containers are cleaned regularly.
Question 8:
How is water made safe for drinking?
Water is made safe for drinking by passing it through filters before it is used for drinking. Also, chlorine tablets and alum are used to purify the overhead tankers.
Question 9:
Is there a long-handled ladle to take water from the matka or container? How many ladles are there per container?
Yes, ladles are available to take water from the matka or container. There is a ladle for each of the matkas/ containers.
Question 10:
Is the place around the drinking water–taps or matkas cleaned regularly?
Yes, the place around the drinking water-taps or matkas is cleaned regularly.
Think and Discuss
Question 1:
Why do the drinking water places get dirty?
The drinking water places get dirty because water often gets spilled here and there while fetching or taking out water from the containers. These places also get dirty when people do other activities like washing around these places.
Question 2:
What can we do to keep these places clean?
We can be a little more careful while taking out water from the containers so that the water does not spill. Also, we can avoid activities like washing around these places.
Find out and write in your notebook
Question 1:
How often (once a day, once in two days, etc.) are the containers or matkas and ladles cleaned? Who cleans them?
The containers or matkas are cleaned once in two days. The cleaning staff cleans them.
Question 2:
How many children are there in your school? How many taps, matkas or hand pumps are there? Are these sufficient for children?
There are three hundred and fifty children in my school. There are 10 water taps, 4 matkas and 2 hand pumps in the school. Yes, they are sufficient for children.
Question 3:
Who cleans the places near the water?
The places near the water are cleaned by the cleaning staff.
Question 4:
Where does the water that is spilt go?
The water that is spilt is directed towards the garden through drainage pipes.
Group 2
Observe and Note –
Question 1:
Put a tick in the box and write wherever it is required –
What are the toilet arrangements in your school?


Question 2:
How many toilets are there?
There are 10 toilets.
Question 3:
Are there separate toilets for girls yes no and boys? (Yes/ No)
Question 4:
Is there water in the toilets? (Yes/ No)
Question 5:
Where does the water come from?


Question 6:
Is there water for washing hands near the toilet? (Yes/ No)
Question 7:
Do you wash your hands after using the toilet? (Yes/ No)
Question 8:
Is there any tap that is leaking or dripping?
Question 9:
Are the toilets kept clean?
Find out and write
Question 1:
How many boys and girls are there in your school?


Question 2:
How many toilets are there for girls, and how many for boys?


Question 3:
If there are no taps, who brings the water for the toilet? From where does the water have to be brought?
If there are no taps, students are supposed to tell it to the cleaning staff. They fetch water from the hand pumps.
Question 4:
Who keeps the place clean?
The place is kept clean by the cleaning staff.
Talk about it
Question 1:
What can be done to keep the toilets clean?
The toilets can be kept clean by flushing properly every time one uses the toilets as well as washing the toilets on a daily basis.
Question 2:
What can each of us do for this?
Each one of us can maintain the cleanliness of the toilets by flushing properly every time we use the toilets.
Question 3:
Have you seen toilets at bus stands or railway stations? How are they different from the toilets at home?
Yes, I have seen toilets at bus stands and railway stations. They are used by lot of people. They are not kept as clean as the ones in our schools and homes.
Group 3
Question 1:
Talk with the children in your class and fill in the table given below. In the last few months, how many children in the class have suffered from any of these? Write the names of the children in the correct columns.
