NCERT Solutions Class 5 Maths Chapter-7 Can You See The Pattern, is provided here by our subject experts for primary students to practise well for their exams. The NCERT Solutions are prepared as per the CBSE syllabus (2020-2021) prescribed for Class 5.
NCERT solutions Class 5 books is a simple maths book written for 5th-grade students. NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) is an independent concern which was set up in the year 1961 by the Indian Government to aid and advise the State and Central Governments on the strategies to improve the quality of education. Refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths to clarify any doubts instantly and attain a strong grip over key concepts.
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Can You See The Pattern:-Download PDF Here

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2. What should come next?








3. See this pattern


4. Using the same rule take it forward till you get back to what you started with.





6. Mark that picture which is breaking the rule. Also correct it.

The below marked picture is breaking the rule.


The below marked picture is breaking the rule.


The below marked picture is breaking the rule.


The below marked picture is breaking the rule.

7. Magic Squares
Do you remember magic triangles? Come now, let’s make some magic squares.
(i) Fill this square using all the numbers from 46 to 54.
Rule: The total of each line is 150.

From the question it is give that, total of each line is equal to 150.
So, let us take third row,
From the rule, + 52 + 47 = 150
+ 99 = 150
= 150 – 99
Therefore, number in the first box in third row = 51
Now, let us take first column,
From the rule, + 46 + 51 = 150
+ 97 = 150
= 150 – 97
Therefore, number in the first box in first column = 53
Let us take first row,
From the rule, 53 + + 49 = 150
+ 102 = 150
= 150 – 102
Therefore, number in the second box in first row = 48
Let us take second column,
From the rule, 48 + + 52 = 150
+ 100 = 150
= 150 – 100
Therefore, number in the second box in second column = 50
Let us take third column,
From the rule, 49 + + 47 = 150
+ 96 = 150
= 150 – 96
Therefore, number in the second box in third column = 54

(ii) Fill this square using all the numbers from 21 to 29.
Rule: The total of each side is 75.

From the question it is give that, total of each line is equal to 75.

8. Magic Hexagons
Look at the patterns of numbers in hexagons. Each side has 2 circles and 1 box.

Look at the number 65 in the box. Which are the circles next to it? Can you see how the rule works?

The circles next to 65 are 5 and 13.

The rule of this method is we get the number in each box by multiplying the numbers in the circles next to it.
(i) Use the same rule to fill the hexagons below.

11 × 9 = 99
11 × 6 = 66
6 × 17 = 102
17 × 7 = 119
9 × 12 = 108
12 × 7 = 84

4 × 16 = 64
16 × 8 = 128
8 × 8 = 64
13 × 8 = 104
13 × 6 = 78
9. Numbers and Numbers

(i) Are they equal?
Yes, the mentioned equation are equal.
Because, let us consider left hand side (LHS) of first equation = 24 + 19 + 37
LHS = 80
Now, Right hand side (RHS) = 37 + 24 + 19
RHS = 80
By comparing LHS and RHS,
Then consider second equation, LHS = 215 + 120 + 600
LHS = 935
Now, RHS = 600 + 215 + 120
= 935
By comparing LHS and RHS,
(ii) Fill in the blank spaces in the same way.






(iii) Now,look at this-

Check if it is true or not.
First consider the left hand side (LHS) = 48 × 13
LHS = 624
Now consider right hand side (RHS) = 13 × 48
RHS = 624
By comparing LHS and RHS,
(iv) Now you try and change these numbers into special numbers
(a) 28
Take another number 28
Now turn it back to front 82
Then add them together 110
Is this a special number? No! Why not?
OK, carry on with the number 110
Again turn it back to front 011
Then add the two together 121
Ah! 121 is a special number.
(b) 132
Take another number 132
Now turn it back to front 231
Then add them together 363
Ah! 363 is a special number.
(c) 273
Take another number 273
Now turn it back to front 372
Then add them together 645
Is this a special number? No! Why not?
OK, carry on with the number 645
Again turn it back to front 546
Then add the two together 1191
Is this a special number? No! Why not?
OK, carry on with the number 1191
Again turn it back to front 1911
Then add the two together 3102
Is this a special number? No! Why not?
OK, carry on with the number 3102
Again turn it back to front 2013
Then add the two together 5115
Ah! 5115 is a special number.
(v) Now let’s use words in a special way.

Did you notice that it reads the same from both sides — right to left and left to right?
10. Some more Number Patterns
(i) Take any number. Now multiply it by 2, 3, 4 …………… at every step. Also add 3 to it at each step. Look at the difference in the answer. Is it the same at every step?


Let us check difference in the answer, 39 – 27 = 12, 51 – 39 = 12, 63 – 51 = 12,
75 – 63 = 12, 87 – 75 = 12, 99 – 87 = 12, 111 – 99 = 12.
Therefore, the difference in the answer are same at every step.
(ii) Look at the numbers below. Look for the pattern. Can you take it forward?


11. Smart Adding


(ii) Did you notice some pattern in the answers?
Yes, I found that the difference in the answer are same i.e. 100 at every step.
12. Fun with Odd Numbers
Take the first two odd numbers. Now add them, see what you get. Now, at every step, add the next odd number. How far can you go on?


We can’t predict, because there are infinite numbers.
13. Secret Numbers
Banno and Binod were playing a guessing game by writing clues about a secret number. Each tried to guess the other’s secret number from the clues. Can you guess their secret numbers?
(i) It is larger than half of 100
It is more than 6 tens and less than 7 tens
The tens digit is one more than the ones digit
Together the digits have a sum of 11
It is larger than half of 100, i.e. number > 100
It is more than 6 tens and less than 7 tens = so, number lies between 70 and 60
The tens digit is one more than the ones digit = 6 – 1 = 5
Together the digits have a sum of 11 = 6 + 5 = 11
Therefore the number is 65
(ii) It is smaller than half of 100
It is more than 4 tens and less than 5 tens
The tens digit is two more than the ones digit
Together the digits have a sum of 6
It is smaller than half of 100 = number > 100
It is more than 4 tens and less than 5 tens = number lies between 40 and 50
The tens digit is two more than the ones digit = 4 – 2 = 2
Together the digits have a sum of 6 = 4 + 2 = 6
Therefore the number is 42
14. Number Surprises
a) Ask your friend rite — W down your age. Add 5 to it. Multiply the sum by 2. Subtract 10 from it. Next divide it by 2. What do you get? Is your friend surprised?
Let us assume the age be 11,
Then, adding 5 to it we get = 16
Multiply by 2 we get = 32
Subtract from 10 we get = 22
Divided by 2 we get = 11
Yes, my friend was really surprised.



1 = 1 × 1
121 = 11 × 11
12321 = 111 × 111
1234321 = 1111 × 1111
123454321 = 11111 × 11111
12345654321 = 111111 × 111111
1234567654321 = 1111111 × 1111111
1234567654321 = 1111111 × 1111111
1234567654321 = 1111111 × 1111111
Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7
What are palindromes as explained in Chapter 7 of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths?
Special numbers/words which read the same both ways are called palindromes. Examples: “STEP NOT ON PETS” and ‘9876789’.
How is the sum of first n odd numbers calculated in Chapter 7 of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths?
In Chapter 7 of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths, the sum of first n odd numbers is calculated as (n x n). This is applicable for any number of first n odd positive integers.
What are the rules discussed in Chapter 7 of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths for identifying patterns for a given block?
To identify the patterns for a given block, there are three different rules to turn it clockwise and they are:
1. Repeat it with one-fourth turn.
2. Repeat it with a half turn.
3. Repeat it with a three-fourth turn.