Full Forms: The Complete List (2020 Update) You Should Know

Full Forms & Short Forms

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Let’s start the abbreviations list that everyone should know.

Abbreviations we use while chatting

In our daily conversation with friends or colleague, we received, mostly use some abbreviations to convey our message in a short form that saves us some times and effort of typing.

In this list, we will look at all the full forms that we use while chatting.

Short FormFull-Form
ASAPAs Soon As Possible
AKAAlso Known As
BTWBy the Way
DIYDo it Yourself
FAQFrequently asked Questions
WTFWhat the Fuck
WTHWhat the Hell / What the Heck
WFMWorks for Me
LOLLaughing Out Loud / Laugh Out Loud
AMAAsk Me Anything
A2AAsk to Answer
DMDirect Message
PMPrivate Message
QA SessionQuestion Answer Session
ICYMIIn Case You Missed It
IMO / IMHOIn My Opinion / In My Humble Opinion
TL;DRToo Long; Didn’t Read
4UFor You
F2FFace to face
N8Face to face
NPNo Problem
TCTake care
ASAICAs Soon As I Can
OKOll Korrect.(jokey misspelling of “All Correct”)
TILToday I Learned
P.SPost Script
TYThank You
TQThank You
ASLTell me your Age, Sex, and Location
GMGood Morning
GEGood Evening
GNGood Night
JFYJust For You
MTUKMore Than You Know
OSLTOr Something Like That
ACEExcellent or Great
AFSAlways Forever and Seriously
AUOI don’t know
BBSBe Back Soon
BBLBe Back Later
BBNBe Back Never
BFBoy Friend
BFFBest Friend Forever
BOTBack On Topic
CYLCatch You Later
CYLCatch You Later
JLTJust Like That
J4UJust For You
J4LJust For Laugh
J4FJust For Fun
IKI Know
IILI’m in Love
IHSI Hope So
IBI’m Back
IASIn a Second
HHOJHa Ha, Only Joking
HHOKHa Ha, Only Kidding
HHVFHa Ha, Very Funny
ROFLRolling on the floor laughing
OPOriginal Poster, Original Post
OTOHOn the other Hand
POVPoint of View
ROTFLRolling on the Floor Laughing
SFLRSorry, for late Reply
TIAThanks in Advance
TBCTo be Continued / To be Confirmed
TBATo be Announced
TYVMThank You Very Much
TYTTake your Time
TTYLTalk to you Later
WRTWith Regard to
YAMYet Another Meeting
YMMDYou made my day

General Full Forms

In this list, we have gathered the most common abbreviations that we encounter in our daily life.

Short FormFull-Form
AMAnno Meridian
PMPost Meridian
PANPermanent Account Number.
DOBDate Of Birth
RTIRight to Information
DNADeoxyribonucleic acid
ETAEstimated Time of Arrival
TRPTelevision Rating Point
QR CodeQuick Response Code
ISTIndia Standard Time
GMTGreenwich Mean Time
FOREXForeign Exchange
R & DResearch and Development
IPOInitial Public Offering
B2BBusiness to Business
CTCCost To Company
B2CBusiness to Consumer
CEOChief Executive Officer
CFOChief Financial Officer
NRINon-Resident Indian
CTCCost To Company
NEFTNational Electronic Funds Transfer
BPOBusiness Process Outsourcing
SMSShort Messaging Service
PhDDoctor of Philosophy
i.eId Est (That is to say)

Hardware Parts

In this list, We have put all the things full form which is related to computer’s and it’s hardware.

Short FormFull Form
AMDAdvanced Micro Devices
ATAAdvanced Technology Attachment
ATXAdvanced Technology Extended
CDCompact Disc
CD-ROMCompact Disc-Read-Only Memory
CD-RWCompact Disc-Rewritable
ComputerCommonly Operated Machine Particularly Used In Technical And Educational Research
CPUCentral Processing Unit
DVDDigital Versatile Disc
DVD-ROMDigital Video Disc-Random Access Memory
DVD-ROMDigital Video Disc-Read Only Memory
DVD-RDigital Video Disc-Recordable
DVD-RWDigital Video Disc-Rewritable
DDRDouble Data-Rate
DDR RAMDouble Data-Rate Random Access Memory
FDDFloppy Disk Drive
HDDHard Disk Drive
HDMiHigh Definition Media Interface
IDEIntegrated Drive Electronics
LCDLiquid Crystal Display
LEDLight Emitting Diode
RAMRandom Access Memory
ROMRead-Only Memory
HDDHard Disk Drive
FDDFloppy Disk Drive
PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect
SSDSolid State Disk
SMPSSwitch Mode Power Supply
USBUniversal Serial Bus
VGAVideo Graphics Array
VRAMVideo Random Access Memory


If you are a networking student or you know some networking staffs, the following full forms will help you in your college and day to day work and life.https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?guci=×280&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.extracatchy.net%2Ffull-forms-list%2F&flash=0&wgl=1&adsid=ChAIgMzY_QUQ6O_GqcPukcdkEioAPE0f4hKBdd9vCccxatI1Nvf2WCa2qNBYZaOZAyEWhaJuxkWNzTJftjI&tt_state=W3siaXNzdWVyT3JpZ2luIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9hZHNlcnZpY2UuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbSIsInN0YXRlIjowfSx7Imlzc3Vlck9yaWdpbiI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXR0ZXN0YXRpb24uYW5kcm9pZC5jb20iLCJzdGF0ZSI6MH1d&dt=1605853033871&bpp=345&bdt=1660&idt=3477&shv=r20201112&cbv=r20190131&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&cookie=ID%3D07acd9a814ffcf47-22957a0cd3c4000f%3AT%3D1605845820%3ART%3D1605845820%3AS%3DALNI_MaAImF4CAUd4EQ21a7XVDi-QjZ_Eg&prev_fmts=0x0%2C752x280%2C742x186%2C331x250%2C1423x757&nras=2&correlator=6436300922209&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=393371553.1605853037&ga_sid=1605853037&ga_hid=483476278&ga_fc=0&iag=0&icsg=43149601451&dssz=35&mdo=0&mso=0&u_tz=210&u_his=1&u_java=0&u_h=900&u_w=1440&u_ah=860&u_aw=1440&u_cd=24&u_nplug=3&u_nmime=4&adx=564&ady=8079&biw=1423&bih=757&scr_x=0&scr_y=5067&eid=21066922%2C21065725&oid=3&psts=AGkb-H8oxTqOm0HDzd7TORVoIVUwKl3R1zD2AyFtahxTG9zxOMNqB8iUY-93KFkZ3NHj%2CAGkb-H-63GeuW3qm2sI8whI2BweefGLAr77LbWG5DN_Y6OGeX3ZpvLgDzVMqHm8qrJ8a&pvsid=2590196801889073&pem=144&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.co.in%2F&rx=0&eae=0&fc=1920&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C1440%2C0%2C1440%2C860%2C1440%2C757&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7CleEbr%7C&abl=CS&pfx=0&fu=8192&bc=23&jar=2020-11-19-07&ifi=3&uci=a!3&btvi=3&fsb=1&xpc=3tCVPLFDK4&p=http%3A//www.extracatchy.net&dtd=22446

Short FormFull Form
2GSecond generation of mobile phone standards and
3GThird generation of mobile phone standards and technology
4G4th generation of mobile phone standards and
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio System
GSMGlobal System For Mobile Communications
IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol
LANLocal Area Network
IPInternet Protocol
IPCONFIGInternet Protocol Configuration
MACMedia Access Control
MANMetropolitan Area Network
POPPost Office Protocol
POP3Post Office Protocol 3
PPPPoint-To-Point Protocol
PPTPPoint-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
NetBIOSNetworked Basic Input Output System
NetBEUINetworked Basic Input/Output System Extended User Interface
SMTPSimple Mail Transport Protocol
VPNVirtual Private Network
WANWide Area Network
WAPWireless Application Protocol
WIFIWireless Fidelity
WLANWireless Local Area Network

Inside Computer

If you are a computer science student or user you might have encountered many terms (abbreviation) that go bounce of our head sometimes when we hear or read. Then the following list of abbreviations related to inside computer will help you.

Inside of this list, we have placed every full form words and sentences related to computer or some mobile terms that you should know.

Short FormFull Form
APIApplication Programming Interfaces
BIOSBasic Input/Output System
CMOSComplementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
DNSDomain Name Service Or Domain Name Server
DPIDots Per Inch
DVIDigital Visual Interface
FATFile Allocation Table
FAT1212-Bit File Allocation Table
FAT1616-Bit File Allocation Table
FAT3232-Bit File Allocation Table
FPSFrame Per Second
EMIElectromagnetic Interference
GBpsGigabytes per second or Gigabits per second
GUIGraphical User Interface
I/OInput & Output
MbpsMega Bytes Per second
KBpsKilo Bytes Per Second
4 Bits1 Nibble
8 Bits1 Byte
1024 Bytes1 Kilo Byte ( KB )
1024 KB1 Mega Byte ( MB )
1024 MB1 Gyga Byte ( GB )
1024 GB1 Tera Byte ( TB )
1024 TB1 Peta Byte ( PB )
1024 PB1 Exa Byte ( EB )
1024 EB1 Zetta Byte ( ZB )
1024 ZB1 Yotta Byte ( YB )
MP3Moving Picture Experts Group Layer 3 Audio
MPEGMoving Picture Experts Group
MSCONFIGMicrosoft Configuration
NTFSNew Technology File System
NTLDRNew Technology Loader
OMROptical Mark Recognition
RGBRed Green Blue
PCPersonal Computer
OSOperating System
VDUVisible Display Unit
XGAExtended Graphics Array
ZIPZigzag Inline Package

Internet Related

Of course, you use the internet and that’s the way you came to this page.

This is the list of full forms that we encounter when we use internet or when we become a developer.https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?guci=×185&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.extracatchy.net%2Ffull-forms-list%2F&flash=0&wgl=1&adsid=ChAIgMzY_QUQ6O_GqcPukcdkEioAPE0f4hKBdd9vCccxatI1Nvf2WCa2qNBYZaOZAyEWhaJuxkWNzTJftjI&tt_state=W3siaXNzdWVyT3JpZ2luIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9hZHNlcnZpY2UuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbSIsInN0YXRlIjowfSx7Imlzc3Vlck9yaWdpbiI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXR0ZXN0YXRpb24uYW5kcm9pZC5jb20iLCJzdGF0ZSI6MH1d&dt=1605853034225&bpp=13&bdt=2014&idt=3126&shv=r20201112&cbv=r20190131&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&cookie=ID%3D07acd9a814ffcf47-22957a0cd3c4000f%3AT%3D1605845820%3ART%3D1605845820%3AS%3DALNI_MaAImF4CAUd4EQ21a7XVDi-QjZ_Eg&prev_fmts=0x0%2C752x280%2C742x186%2C331x250%2C1423x757%2C350x280&nras=2&correlator=6436300922209&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=393371553.1605853037&ga_sid=1605853037&ga_hid=483476278&ga_fc=0&iag=0&icsg=43149601451&dssz=35&mdo=0&mso=0&u_tz=210&u_his=1&u_java=0&u_h=900&u_w=1440&u_ah=860&u_aw=1440&u_cd=24&u_nplug=3&u_nmime=4&adx=162&ady=11757&biw=1423&bih=757&scr_x=0&scr_y=8747&eid=21066922%2C21065725&oid=3&psts=AGkb-H8oxTqOm0HDzd7TORVoIVUwKl3R1zD2AyFtahxTG9zxOMNqB8iUY-93KFkZ3NHj%2CAGkb-H-63GeuW3qm2sI8whI2BweefGLAr77LbWG5DN_Y6OGeX3ZpvLgDzVMqHm8qrJ8a%2CAGkb-H-PiA2LdKxcKJrMp45hHusQxRHAnsaUv5VTzYfCAHCJhnw4ka72C5ErcQWhKI2Znw&pvsid=2590196801889073&pem=144&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.co.in%2F&rx=0&eae=0&fc=1920&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C1440%2C0%2C1440%2C860%2C1440%2C757&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7CoeEbr%7C&abl=CS&pfx=0&fu=8320&bc=23&jar=2020-11-19-07&ifi=4&uci=a!4&btvi=4&fsb=1&xpc=x0WaguTrzA&p=http%3A//www.extracatchy.net&dtd=89748

Short FormFull Form
HTMLHypertext Markup Language
HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol Over Secure Sockets Layer
PHPHypertext Preprocessor
XMLExtensible Markup Language
CSSCascading Style Sheets
SASSSyntactically Awesome Style Sheets
AJAXAsynchronous JavaScript And XML
PERLPractical Extraction and Reporting Language
UIUser Interface
UXUser Experience
ASPActive Server Pages
SQLStructured Query Language
WWWWorld Wide Web


You may be using lot’s of software and sometimes you see the icon of the software to your friends’ computer or someone else.

And you see the text written on that icon, but you didn’t understand what would be that icon’s text full form.


This is the list of most software’s full form.

Short FormFull Form
AuAdobe Audition
CoEdge Code
MuAdobe Muse
BcBusiness Catalyst
InEdge Inspect
FbFlash Builder
PrPremiere Pro
CCCreative Cloud
RfEdge Reflow
FlFlash Professional
ScAdobe Scout
WfEdge Web Fonts
AeAfter Effects
BdPhoneGap Build
StStory Plus

Other Technologies

There are some short forms you see when you come to the field of tech.

So here we have listed some full forms related to tech.

Short FormFull-Form
ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode
ITInformation Technology
IEEEInstitute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers
ISOInternational Standards Organization
POSTPower ON Self Test

Top Brands Full Forms

Do you know some of the top brands that you see daily and use has also short forms and full forms?

I bet you might know it.

So here we have shared with you top Brands full forms and short forms.

Let’s look at it.https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?guci=×188&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.extracatchy.net%2Ffull-forms-list%2F&flash=0&wgl=1&adsid=ChAIgMzY_QUQ6O_GqcPukcdkEioAPE0f4hKBdd9vCccxatI1Nvf2WCa2qNBYZaOZAyEWhaJuxkWNzTJftjI&tt_state=W3siaXNzdWVyT3JpZ2luIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9hZHNlcnZpY2UuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbSIsInN0YXRlIjowfSx7Imlzc3Vlck9yaWdpbiI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXR0ZXN0YXRpb24uYW5kcm9pZC5jb20iLCJzdGF0ZSI6MH1d&dt=1605853034242&bpp=14&bdt=2031&idt=3165&shv=r20201112&cbv=r20190131&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&cookie=ID%3D07acd9a814ffcf47-22957a0cd3c4000f%3AT%3D1605845820%3ART%3D1605845820%3AS%3DALNI_MaAImF4CAUd4EQ21a7XVDi-QjZ_Eg&prev_fmts=0x0%2C752x280%2C742x186%2C331x250%2C1423x757%2C350x280%2C752x185&nras=2&correlator=6436300922209&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=393371553.1605853037&ga_sid=1605853037&ga_hid=483476278&ga_fc=0&iag=0&icsg=43149601451&dssz=35&mdo=0&mso=0&rplot=4&u_tz=210&u_his=1&u_java=0&u_h=900&u_w=1440&u_ah=860&u_aw=1440&u_cd=24&u_nplug=3&u_nmime=4&adx=162&ady=15123&biw=1423&bih=757&scr_x=0&scr_y=12107&eid=21066922%2C21065725&oid=3&psts=AGkb-H8oxTqOm0HDzd7TORVoIVUwKl3R1zD2AyFtahxTG9zxOMNqB8iUY-93KFkZ3NHj%2CAGkb-H-63GeuW3qm2sI8whI2BweefGLAr77LbWG5DN_Y6OGeX3ZpvLgDzVMqHm8qrJ8a%2CAGkb-H-PiA2LdKxcKJrMp45hHusQxRHAnsaUv5VTzYfCAHCJhnw4ka72C5ErcQWhKI2Znw&pvsid=2590196801889073&pem=144&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.co.in%2F&rx=0&eae=0&fc=1920&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C1440%2C0%2C1440%2C860%2C1440%2C757&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7CoeEbr%7C&abl=CS&pfx=0&cms=2&fu=8320&bc=23&jar=2020-11-19-07&ifi=5&uci=a!5&btvi=5&fsb=1&xpc=xbdGKbwBfH&p=http%3A//www.extracatchy.net&dtd=90693

Short FormFull Form
GOOGLEGoogle is not an abbreviation.
YAHOOYet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle
INTELIntegrated Electronics
LGLife’s Good
IBMInternational Business Machines Corporation
IBMInternational Business Machines
AUDIAuto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt
BMWBaverian Motor Works
AMWAsian Motor Works
CNNCable News Network
IBNIndian Broadcasting Network
WIPRO-Western Indian Products
MRFMadras Rubber Factory
TVST.V Sundaram(Co-Founder)
BBCBritish Broadcasting Corporation
AMULAnand Milk Union Limited
ICICIIndustrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
ESPNEntertainment and Sport Programming Network
KFCKentucky Fried Chicken
TEDTechnology, Entertainment and Design
IMDbThe Internet Movie Database
ISDInternational Subscriber Dialing
AdidasAdolf ‘ Adi’ Dassler
DELLDigitle Electronic Link Library
ACERAcquisition Collaboration experimentation Reflection
ONGCOil & Natural Gas Corporation

Domain Name Extensions

Most of the times when we browse websites we encounter too many different (dot) domain extensions and we get confused what’s the meaning of it or why that domain extension named it and what purpose those domain extensions. So in this list, I also wanted to share with you some domains extensions abbreviations list that will clear your doubt and help you to easily remember the extension of the domains.

So here it goes:

Abbreviation (Extensions)Full Forms
.comCommercial Internet Sites
.netInternet Administrative Site
.orgOrganization Site
.eduEducation Sites
.firmBusiness Site
.govGovernment Site
.intInternational Institutions
.milMilitary Site
.mobiMobile Phone Site
.intInternational Organizations
.ioIndian Ocean (British Indian Ocean Territory)
.milU.S. Military
.storeA Retail Business
.webInternet Site that is about the World Wide Web
.aeArab Emirates
.saSaudi Arabia
.usUnited States
.ukUnited Kingdom
.nzNew Zealand

File Extensions Full Forms

If you guys ever encounter with these, .pdf, .ppt, .docx, .txt etc file’s Extensions, then you should consider looking ours below extensions list.

These are the most common file’s extensions full forms:

Short FormFull Form
.docxDocument (without Macros)
.docmDocument (with Macros)
.pptPowerPoint Presentation
.csvComma Separated Values
.pdfPortable Document Format
.gifGraphics Interchange Format
.xdAdobe XD Document
.mpegMoving Picture Experts Group
.wmvWindows Media Video
.flvFlash Video
.aviAudio Video Interleave
.mp4MPEG Layer 4
.psdPhotoshop Document
.aiIllustrator Document
.cdrCorel Draw Document
.sketchSketch Document
.asfAdvanced Systems Format
.rarIt is an archive file format that supports data compression
.divXDigital Video Express (DivX-encoded Movie)
.mp3MPEG Audio Layer 3
.aiffAudio Interchange File Format
.bmpWindows Bitmap
.dartDart Language File
.goGo Language file
.rR Language file
.m3uMoving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer 3 Uniform Resource Locator This file format is like an extension for Mp3 as it is used in it.
.wavWaveform PCM Audio
.wmaWindows Media Audio
.bwfBroadcast Wave Format
.datDigital Audio Tape
.vueVue.js (Document)
.pyPython Document (File)
.tsTypeScript (Document)
.jsJavascript (Document)
.subSubtitle File
.meReadme Text File
.fdrFinal Draft Document
.batMicrosoft’s Batch Processing

Hope you like our full forms list, Let us know in the comment below.

Also, don’t forget to share these important full forms and short forms with your friends and family.

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