It’s always better to refer solutions PDF while solving chapter wise problems of the latest CBSE syllabus. We provide you with well-structured NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 2 Counting in groups. Download the solutions in PDF for free.
Chapter 2 Counting in groups deals with educating the kids about counting the numbers in groups. You can download these accurate NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 2 from the links provided below and help your kid in his / her studies.
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Access Answers to NCERT Class 2 Maths Chapter 2 Counting in groups
Question: 1
Can you guess how many cups?

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 cups
There are 10 cups
Question: 2
Can you guess how many pairs of shoes?

There are 3 pairs in each line
3 + 3 + 3 = 9 pairs
There are 9 pairs of shoes
Question: 3
Look at how different things are kept in groups. Try to guess the total number without counting each thing.

There are 12 glasses

There are 25 bangles.

(c) There are 12 pairs of earrings.
Question: 4
There are three groups of spoons

(a) How many in each group?
There are 8 spoons in each group
(b) Guess the total number of spoons
There are 24 spoons
Question: 5
Ring the correct answer
(a) Number of teeth in your mouth

More than 40
Less than 40
Less than 40
(b) Number of seeds in an orange

More than 50
Less than 50
Less than 50
(c) Number of matchsticks in a matchbox

More than 30
Less than 30
More than 30
(d) Number of pencils in your class

More than 45
Less than 45
Less than 45
(e) Number of spokes in one cycle wheel

More than 20
Less than 20
(e) Less than 20
Join the dots
Question: 6
Jojo doggy is hungry. Join the dots in order, from 21 to 52, and find out what is hidden for him to eat


Question: 7
Bhurru has torn some pages of this book

Write the page numbers in the correct order

Question: 8
Puzzling tail

Chipku rat has a long tail.
When he was sleeping, naughty cat thought of tying his tail to the poles.
She started from the pole with the biggest number. She moved on to the smaller numbers in order.
Help her in tying. But the tail should not cross itself anywhere.

Question: 9
Look at the picture and and write

(a) How many are pulling the carrot out?
(b) Who was the first one to pull it?
Old man
(c) The cat is in the ______ line
(d) Who was the fourth one to pull the carrot? ________
The dog
(e) How many were pulling the carrot before the cat came to help them?
Question: 10
Seema’s century
Seema has made a design with different bindis.

(a) Look at the groups and guess the total number of bindis.
80 bindis
(b) Draw more groups to complete 100 bindis. How many more bindis did you have to draw?
20 bindis