NCERT Solutions Class 5 EVS Chapter 17 covers the topic – Across The Wall. This chapter talks about how a girl breaks the gender wall set by her mother. The journey of Asifa who herself became a strong wall of NBA Mumbai. At BYJU’S you can download Class 5 science notes, PDFs, NCERT textbooks – NCERT Class 5 Science book and also NCERT Solutions along with other study materials.
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Q1. Is there any place to play near your house?
Answer: Yes we have a playground, park near my house.
Q2. What do people play there? Who plays there?
Answer: People play cricket, throw ball etc. in the ground. Usually it’s the children who play in the ground.
Q3. Do the children of your age also get a chance to play there?
Answer: Yes children of my age get turns to play there.
Q4. What other things happen at this place?
Answer: Old age people go for a walk, people jog etc. are the other things which happen there.
Q1. Has anyone ever stopped you from playing some games? Which games?
Answer: Yes I was stopped from playing throw ball.
Q2. Who stopped you and why? What did you do then?
Answer: Some elderly person stopped me from playing throw ball, he feared it may fall on my head. I stopped playing it.
Q3. Did anyone help you and encourage you to play?
Answer: Yes little older people helped me and encouraged me to play throw ball.
Q1. Do girls and boys play different types of games in your school or neighborhood? If yes, then which games do the boys play and which do the girls play?
Answer: Almost all the games are played by both girls and boys. But few games are played by boys such as cricket, football, hockey, baseball etc. and girls play games such as table tennis, shuttle cock, basketball etc.
Q2. Do you think that there is any difference between the games and the way they are played by boys and girls?
Answer: Yes there is a difference between the way boys and girls play the game. Boys usually play very harshly whereas girls prefer playing smoothly.
Q3. Should the games for boys and the girls be different? What do you think?
Answer: I think there should not be any differentiation between girls and boys. Since both are treated equally, anyone can play the game they like.
Q1. Have you ever played as part of a team of your class, school or neighborhood? Whom did you play with? What game did you play?
Answer: Yes I have played for my school team. I played along with my classmates as well as seniors. We played throw ball.
Q2. What is the difference between playing for yourself and for the team?
Answer: There’s a huge difference between playing for myself and for the team. When we play for oneself there is no competition nor there is any fun. But when we play with a team of members we enjoy a lot, we learn how to play and there would be a healthy competition.
Q3. While playing in a team would you like to play for yourself or for the team? Why?
Answer: While playing in a team I would like to play for the team rather than for myself. When we play in a team there would be a better understanding between the team members and it would teach us unity is strength.
Q4. Is your team like the team Afsana played with at Sholapur or like the Nagpada team? How?
Answer: Our team is more like Nagpada team. There is good understanding among our team members, good cooperative, good energy, encouraged each other while playing. Since there is good unity among team members similarly we would also try being perfect and successful. Hence we can say that our team is also same as Nagpada team.
Q1. Have you ever taken part in some game or competition from your school or area? How did you feel?
Answer: Yes I have taken part in the game, I felt great when I took part in my school’s competition.
Q2. Did you go to some other place to play? What was that place like? How did you like going to that place?
Answer: Yes we went to other school to play the game. The school looked nice and I liked the school environment when I was there.
Q3. Have you seen matches being played between India and other countries? Which ones?
Answer: Yes I have seen matches being played between India and other countries. I liked India and Australia cricket match.
Q4. We all know about the cricketers of India, and we all like them. Do people also know and like the Indian players who play some other games? (Yes or No). What do you feel about it? Do you know the players of the Indian football or kabaddi team?
Answer: Yes, few of the Indian players of other games are liked by the people. I feel happy that other games are becoming popular. No I have no idea about Indian football or kabaddi team.
Q1. What would happen if girls are not allowed to play games, to study or do some other work of their choice?
Answer: If girls were not allowed to play games or study or do any other work of their choice then it would badly affect her mentally and physically. If freedom is not given they cannot showcase their talent either.
Q2. How would you feel if you were not allowed to take part in some game or drama?
Answer: It would make me feel bad if I were not allowed to take part in some game or drama.
Q3. Have you heard of any women players? Name them and the games they play.
Answer: Yes I have heard women players,
- PT Usha (Athletics)
- Sania Mirza (Tennis)
- Mary Kom (Boxing)
- Saina Nehwal (Badmiton)
- PV Sindhu (Badminton)
- Jwala Gutta (Badminton)
Q4. In which areas other than sports have you heard of women getting recognition?
Answer: There are areas where women get recognition other than sports like:
- Kalpana Chawla (Astronaut)
- Pratibha Patil (First Lady President of India)
- Kiran Bedi (Police Officer)
- Indira Gandhi (First Lady Prime minister of India)
- Bachandri Pal (First Indian Lady to climb the Mount Everest)
Q5. Are these women less known than men? Why?
Answer: No these women are not less known than the men. These women have brought huge pride and respect to the country in their respective fields.
Q6. How would you find the world to be, if girls never got a chance to take part in games, drama or dance? How would you feel if such a thing happened to boys?
Answer: If girls never got a chance to take part in games, drama or dance then there would be no competitions or challenges among people and hence it would become uneven world. Similarly in case of boys when it is vice-versed.
Q7. Do you know of any woman or girl who you would want to be like when you grow up? (Think of names other than a film actor or a model)
Answer: Yes I would want to become like Sunita Williams (Astronaut) when I grow up.
Think and write
Q1. The newspaper report said, “Afsana has jumped over the wall. The gender wall that her mother had put up for her.” Think and write in your own words, what was this wall? What do you understand by ‘gender bias’?
Answer: The word wall here refers to the gender bias. Usually in rural parts of India there still exists the differentiation between the genders. Girls are usually not allowed to study, work or do anything of her choice, boys are given more attention than girls. Here, Afsana’s mother is trying to tell Afsana to continue with the household work rather than to work outside. Firstly this gender bias has to be removed from people’s mind and equal rights has to be given to both girls and boys.
What we have learnt
Q1. Should games for boys and girls be different? Think and write what you feel.
Answer: I feel there should be no different games for boys or girls. Games give a relief for mind be it a boy or a girl. Physical activity is an important aspect in child’s life. Playing different games allows child’s mind to be active. So there should not be any differentiation between boys or girls.
Q2. If you are made the leader of a team, how will you prepare your team?
Answer: If I were made the leader of a team, I would just prepare them as the Nagpada team by keeping in mind few things such as:
- Encouraging them to play enthusiastically.
- Respect each other in a team.
- Maintaining cooperation among the team.
- Never discourage anyone and support each other in difficult times.
- Have a healthy competition.
India’s best teachers educate students with inspiring stories, pictures, videos, etc. Revision tests and worksheets are given to solve after each chapter. Below is a sample of NCERT Class 5 EVS worksheets of chapter 17:
Q1. Tick the following:
Where do you like to play the most? (Park, Playground, House)
Is there any park nearby? (Yes, No)
Q2. Do you play in a team or only individual games?
Q3. If you are playing in a team will you support the team?